Perry gives thoughts on starting vs. GT

Stefan Adams
2 min read
After Wednesday’s drills, sophomore QB N’Kosi Perry was named the starter for the second straight week as UM prepares to take on Georgia Tech on Saturday.

His take?

“I’m just thankful for the opportunity and ready to get a win for this team again,” Perry said.

Perry led Miami to their first Power 5 win of the season last week, going for 200 total yards, 2 TD’s, and the game-sealing score late in the 4th quarter vs. 20th ranked UVA. Still, he has no expectations of being named the full-time starter, and will simply be ready to go any time his number is called.

“Personally, I feel like regardless if I’m starting or not, I’m always ready,” Perry said. “I definitely don’t look at it as an audition. I’m just prepared and thankful for the opportunity.”

What is he looking to improve this week heading into the game vs. GT?

“My deep ball accuracy,” Perry said. “If we’d have hit some deep shots, I feel the game would have been out of reach a lot earlier. You have to take advantage of every opportunity you get.”

Another aspect of his game he’s working on is becoming more comfortable in the pocket.

“One thing I try to work on as much as I can - the old me I used to get real jittery in the pocket and try to leave early,” Perry said. “You just have to trust the protection and coach (Dan) Enos made sure we don’t watch the rush.”

Going up against the Yellow Jackets this week, Perry will be facing the worst defense in the Coastal, as GT gives up 420.8 yards per game (#93 in the nation).

“They play with a lot of effort, a fast defense,” Perry said. “I’m not too worried about what they do. It’s about us. We win if we play good. And if we play bad, then we’re going to beat ourselves.”

Comments (23)

I reached the point... that ANYONE on this team, talking about what they hope or want to do means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ( The Manny Effect)

I'm NOT buying into this team's hype, excuses or hope anymore......I just want to see results....that speaks louder than ANYTHING you can say

Miami's coaches and players words are now meaningless......Show me what you "hope" or "want" to do.... on the field

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Have to give tremendous props to Kosi. 90% of QBs out there transfer the minute Jarren got the starting job.

He's stayed mentally prepared and shown maturity it didn't appear he'd ever show during his first two years here.

He's got all the natural ability in the world. Really hoping he puts it all together consistently.
Unless this is all fake, this dude is turning into a winner. He showed me a ton the way he supported Jarren when Jarren got the gig and how you never heard him talking about leaving. He’s never been anything but rock solid all camp and so far this year. I like seeing young dudes turn corners here.
Let me preface this by saying I don't have an agenda for or against either Kosi or Jarren. I just want the starter to be the one that gives us the best chance to win. Fortunately, or unfortunately, we have to rely on Manny and Enos to make the right choice.

That being said, I've been highly impressed with the maturation of N'kosi. His attitude, his team first approach, his hard work, and the manner in which he speaks and answers questions. Whether or not he starts another game after this Saturday, I wish him continued success in everything and anything he desires.
Kosi seems not to lack confidence. I guess thats why my brother is so obsessed with him. He's not afraid to stand in there and throw it deep. My brother loves the deep ball and that must be why he's so deep in the Kosi hive
I reached the point... that ANYONE on this team, talking about what they hope or want to do means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ( The Manny Effect)

I'm NOT buying into this team's hype, excuses or hope anymore......I just want to see results....that speaks louder than ANYTHING you can say

Miami's coaches and players words are now meaningless......Show me what you "hope" or "want" to do.... on the field


maybe you should read what he had to say. There was no fake Bravado. He wasnt trying to start a hype train. Very mature comments.
Unless this is all fake, this dude is turning into a winner. He showed me a ton the way he supported Jarren when Jarren got the gig and how you never heard him talking about leaving. He’s never been anything but rock solid all camp and so far this year. I like seeing young dudes turn corners here.
💯! Perry saying all the right things and backing it up on the field. As long as Perry plays well and the Canes keep winning, IMHO, Perry will be the QB1. And even if he gets benched after playing well (which I doubt), Perry still wins because he worked with his teammates to help save the season for his team and coaches last Saturday against Virginia.
Unless this is all fake, this dude is turning into a winner. He showed me a ton the way he supported Jarren when Jarren got the gig and how you never heard him talking about leaving. He’s never been anything but rock solid all camp and so far this year. I like seeing young dudes turn corners here.

Well-put ... and so much better than the other crybaby bullsh1t in this thread about "The Manny Effect" and how these kids deal with the media.

This fan base needs an *****.
Glad it’s Perry over Williams. Love JW’s accuracy and high completion percentage but Kosi seems to find the end zone more and seems better at turning pressure into a positive play which is pretty much everything at this point. That alone makes me wonder how Tate would perform with DEs running past Zion.
Unless this is all fake, this dude is turning into a winner. He showed me a ton the way he supported Jarren when Jarren got the gig and how you never heard him talking about leaving. He’s never been anything but rock solid all camp and so far this year. I like seeing young dudes turn corners here.
Thesis Spot on......this kid bought in to the program and actually had a better all around camp........never once complained and has been a great teammate....
maybe you should read what he had to say. There was no fake Bravado. He wasnt trying to start a hype train. Very mature comments.

I did. This is no knock on Perry. He said all the right things.

I'm only saying that as far as I'm concerned any statements regarding their future performance, or what they hope to accomplish, have zero credibility with me .....because Manny ,Enos et al initially also said ALL the right things.

From now on I simply and only need to be shown results.
Unless this is all fake, this dude is turning into a winner. He showed me a ton the way he supported Jarren when Jarren got the gig and how you never heard him talking about leaving. He’s never been anything but rock solid all camp and so far this year. I like seeing young dudes turn corners here.
We was talking the talk about maturity before the season.
So far he is walking the walk both on and off the field in that regard. Hopefully it continues in an upward trajectory and he continues to do his job and helps us win games.