Miami holding off LSU for Valentine

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
3 min read
With the biggest game in Champagnat Catholic’s short history as a football program coming this Friday, defensive leader Travonte Valentine is making sure his squad is ready to go.

“It’s high intensity and I’m just getting everybody’s heads right, trying to **** them off a little bit, and toughen up my O-Line. I like to **** my teammates off because when my O-Line is ****ed off, they’ll be ready for war,” said Valentine.

What would a state title mean to the young program?

“This team is wonderful. We are going to start the tradition like St. Thomas Aquinas and University School, Booker T, Miami Central. This program will be one of the top in the country in less than five years.”

The mammoth DT prospect has been committed to Miami since the summer, but an SEC power is making a strong push for him now. Despite that, Valentine remains committed to the ‘Canes.

“LSU is talking to me a little bit and showing me some things that are promising and letting me know that they want me more than anything. They said that signing with them is like signing an NFL contract, but I love Miami, my mom loves Miami, and my family loves Miami. Miami is wonderful and they are stepping up big. Once they heard LSU was coming into the picture, they’ve stepped up big time.”

Miami’s coaching staff has been selling Valentine on his importance to this recruiting class.

“They say I’m their main recruit and the main person they need at D-Tackle and everything else. They’re showing me a lot.”

When asked to give a percentage of his commitment level to Miami, Valentine responded with this.

“I’m solid, I’m solid. I’m at about 98%, but there’s just those 2 percents that’s all.”

Miami’s prized defensive tackle recruit is loving the class he is apart of.

“I pay attention a lot to the new commitments. Anthony Moten, the big nose guard and D-Ends. I pay attention a lot and it’s a wonderful class.”

Valentine has discussed working out with future defensive line mate, Chad Thomas.

“I’m going to be working out with Chad after this season is done in probably like January and February just so we can get right and work out with each other. We can show each other our techniques and moves and just make each other work harder.”

Travonte likes to be referred to as “Filthy Animal”, and he explained why that is the case.

“I’m nasty and I like to play dirty. D-Tackles, we play dirty and that’s the thing about it. We like to get under people’s skin and throw people on the ground. Offensive linemen think they’re dirtier, but we are way dirtier.”

What do the next few years hold for the University of Miami football program?

“Two championship rings, enough said. Just look at this class.”

**Valentine will visit both LSU and Miami officially after his season is over.

Comments (46)

don't sell playing LSU so short.

you be making more than some of the undrafted free agent rookies

$EC minimum wage >> NFL minimum
Signing with LSU is like signing An NFL contract huh?

An NFL contract pays you $$$$$$$$$$
Travonte likes to be referred to as “Filthy Animal”, and he explained why that is the case.

“I’m nasty and I like to play dirty. D-Tackles, we play dirty and that’s the thing about it. We like to get under people’s skin and throw people on the ground. Offensive linemen think they’re dirtier, but we are way dirtier.”

With the biggest game in Champagnat Catholic’s short history as a football program coming this Friday, defensive leader Travonte Valentine is making sure his squad is ready to go.

“It’s high intensity and I’m just getting everybody’s heads right, trying to **** them off a little bit, and toughen up my O-Line. I like to **** my teammates off because when my O-Line is ****ed off, they’ll be ready for war,” said Valentine.

What would a state title mean to the young program?

“This team is wonderful. We are going to start the tradition like St. Thomas Aquinas and University School, Booker T, Miami Central. This program will be one of the top in the country in less than five years.”

The mammoth DT prospect has been committed to Miami since the summer, but an SEC power is making a strong push for him now. Despite that, Valentine remains committed to the ‘Canes.

“LSU is talking to me a little bit and showing me some things that are promising and letting me know that they want me more than anything. They said that signing with them is like signing an NFL contract, but I love Miami, my mom loves Miami, and my family loves Miami. Miami is wonderful and they are stepping up big. Once they heard LSU was coming into the picture, they’ve stepped up big time.”

Miami’s coaching staff has been selling Valentine on his importance to this recruiting class.

“They say I’m their main recruit and the main person they need at D-Tackle and everything else. They’re showing me a lot.”

When asked to give a percentage of his commitment level to Miami, Valentine responded with this.

“I’m solid, I’m solid. I’m at about 98%, but there’s just those 2 percents that’s all.”

Miami’s prized defensive tackle recruit is loving the class he is apart of.

“I pay attention a lot to the new commitments. Anthony Moten, the big nose guard and D-Ends. I pay attention a lot and it’s a wonderful class.”

Valentine has discussed working out with future defensive line mate, Chad Thomas.

“I’m going to be working out with Chad after this season is done in probably like January and February just so we can get right and work out with each other. We can show each other our techniques and moves and just make each other work harder.”

Travonte likes to be referred to as “Filthy Animal”, and he explained why that is the case.

“I’m nasty and I like to play dirty. D-Tackles, we play dirty and that’s the thing about it. We like to get under people’s skin and throw people on the ground. Offensive linemen think they’re dirtier, but we are way dirtier.”

What do the next few years hold for the University of Miami football program?

“Two championship rings, enough said. Just look at this class.”

**Valentine will visit both LSU and Miami officially after his season is over.

Valentine has discussed working out with future defensive line mate, Chad Thomas.

“I’m going to be working out with Chad after this season is done in probably like January and February just so we can get right and work out with each other. We can show each other our techniques and moves and just make each other work harder.”

**** I really dont like fighting L$U for recruits. That is probably the single dirtiest program in the country when it comes to recruiting. This is another one Im going to be sweating til the LOI is in. And even then til he's enrolled and at practice. We need this kid BAD.
They said that signing with them is like signing an NFL contract

Lulz. A $500 handshake is not quite how NFL contracts are signed.
Love that attitude. The type of DLineman we've been missing for a long time now!
Old school Cane! They don't make them like that anymore... Can't wait until he starts dominating the line of scrimmage!!!
Travonte likes to be referred to as “Filthy Animal”, and he explained why that is the case.

“I’m nasty and I like to play dirty. D-Tackles, we play dirty and that’s the thing about it. We like to get under people’s skin and throw people on the ground. Offensive linemen think they’re dirtier, but we are way dirtier.”


Bring it kid. Valentine Day Massacre on the way. Chad and this young beast are going to make it THE U again. They are what we have been missing for years. Valentine makes the whole defense better. Strength up the middle is essential and it starts at DT.
Signing with LSU is like signing An NFL contract huh?

An NFL contract pays you $$$$$$$$$$

Signing with L$U pays you money too. His quote is 100% accurate.

$EC = Salary Earning Conference
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**** I really dont like fighting L$U for recruits. That is probably the single dirtiest program in the country when it comes to recruiting. This is another one Im going to be sweating til the LOI is in. And even then til he's enrolled and at practice. We need this kid BAD.

We beat them for Jamal Carter and Burns last season.
**** I really dont like fighting L$U for recruits. That is probably the single dirtiest program in the country when it comes to recruiting. This is another one Im going to be sweating til the LOI is in. And even then til he's enrolled and at practice. We need this kid BAD.

All true, but they were after Burns last year and whole Cane staff showed up at airport when He was leaving for visit. Al's defense might make us sick, but dude can recruit. Valentine is the corner brick of the new Cane dynasty and he knows it.
Not worried at all for some reason. Maybe it's his attitude, he tells you like it is.