Miami And Tennessee Still Out In Front For Bogle

3 min read
Khris Bogle remains Miami’s top defensive end target of the 2019 class. The 6’5’’ 220 pound lineman has been working in the weight room this offseason and has put on 15 pounds of muscle. What does he see as some of his biggest improvements this summer?

“My upper body strength. Got my arms bigger, my shoulders bigger, my neck bigger. And I’m still gonna get bigger because I am still working out during the season.”

Bogle is looking to make a championship run his final season at Cardinal Gibbons. One week into fall camp and the confidence is definitely there.

“We are gonna be real good. Especially with the young guys coming in. The freshman, they surprised me. They’re bigger then when I came in. They were probably better than what I was when our camp started.”

First up on the table for Bogle and his teammates is Dade County powerhouse Miami Central.

“We coming with all the smoke for Central.”

Bogle had a very busy week in between the dead periods visiting five different schools. The first of these was the University of Louisville. While Bogle did make the trip to Louisville, we have to wonder if they are even a factor in his recruitment.

“Kind of but, I mean, a lot of schools are still in it. So, you could say they are in it because I built a relationship with all the coaches and my teammate is going to Louisville.”

One of the frontrunners to land Bogle is Tennessee. The Vols were able to get him on campus the weekend of July 28th.

“It was great. It’s a family atmosphere for sure. The fans showed me the most love. It’s just a great place to be.”

One of the surprise visits for Bogle was a quick stop in Tallahassee.

“I was there for probably like two hours at the most. Just in and out. That's why people made jokes about it.”

Just like with Louisville, we have to wonder if FSU is a real contender. When I asked Bogle this question, the answer was not what the Seminoles wanted to hear.

“Kind of.”

Bogle stopped at Miami the night before the dead period went into effect. Miami continues to recruit Bogle hard and the message has stayed the same.

“They still want me. They are going to be pushing on me heavy. They said commit whenever I feel ready to. Even if I wait all the way to the signing day I can commit.”

For some time now, Miami and Tennessee have been in a two-man race. Following Bogle’s one week college tour, this remains the case. Miami and Tennessee are pushing the hardest by far and everyone else is looking from behind.

Comments (80)

I said the same thing & felt the same way about Tyler Byrd. Reasoning doesn't always play in to how 18 year olds make decisions.
**** the whole board might be eating crow come NSD. Also good to hear that he put on weight.
I said the same thing & felt the same way about Tyler Byrd. Reasoning doesn't always play in to how 18 year olds make decisions.
I mean good point and look at tge failure hes become and he was the best cb in the Army AA game only to switch to WR their. Imagine if he smartened up and played for Rumph
I said the same thing & felt the same way about Tyler Byrd. Reasoning doesn't always play in to how 18 year olds make decisions.

And if he makes an epic mistake like Byrd and picks Sloppy Top over us, then that's his loss - not ours.
In recruiting "Never count Ur Chickens until they Hatch".
I said the same thing & felt the same way about Tyler Byrd. Reasoning doesn't always play in to how 18 year olds make decisions.

Yea but bogle doesn't have a teammate pushing him to Tennessee with him.
byrd probably killed any chance he had at making it to the league by going to Tennessee
Some CB from Ole Miss site putting in for Ole Miss for Bogle
I said the same thing & felt the same way about Tyler Byrd. Reasoning doesn't always play in to how 18 year olds make decisions.

Mr Bellybutton had his man lover pulling him and his outie towards UT.