Martin Emerson Talks Miami Following Official Visit

3 min read
Martin Emerson Jr. is coming off his official visit to Miami this past weekend. This visit was at a great time for the Canes since the majority of Miami’s 2019 class was on campus. It also came the weekend after his official visit to Mississippi State, the school where he is currently committed. According to Emerson, the visit was a success.

“It went well. It was a success and made my process a little bit harder.”

In Emerson’s eyes, there was one major difference between Miami and Mississippi State.

“Really it’s just the city and the country, you know.”

When asked about the highlight of his weekend, Emerson pointed out a few things in particular.

“Everything really. Just being around the folks that’s my kind and can relate. Also, I like how the classes are smaller.”

Emerson was hosted by junior Romeo Finley and Emerson had nothing but good things to say about the Hurricanes breakout star.

“He’s a cool dude. He’s from the panhandle like me.”

Although Emerson’s host plays the striker position and some people have said they see Emerson as a future striker for Miami, the Hurricanes are currently recruiting Emerson as a traditional safety. Emerson is a big fan of how Miami’s safeties play, but also of the history of the safety position at Miami.

“(They’re) aggressive, big time playmakers. They have GOAT’s coming from that school. Ed Reed, Sean Taylor… I just feel like if I were to make that decision, they would be good for me at safety.”

Right before Emerson’s visit to Miami, it became clear that Manny Diaz would be leaving to take the head coaching job at Temple. However, his primary recruiter, coach Ephraim Banda, was named co-defensive coordinator to replace Diaz and Emerson is a fan of the promotion.

“I was concerned with coach Diaz leaving at first, but with coach Banda taking over, I have no concerns. I love it.”

So will this coaching change make a difference in Emerson’s recruitment?

“Somewhat, but in a positive way.”

Emerson does not have any visits set up between now and the February National Signing Day, when Emerson will sign with the school of his choice, but plans visits to UVA and Louisville in the future. There are some other school that are showing him interest, but the interest from Emerson’s side is slim. Right now, this is a clear two team race between the Hurricanes and the Bulldogs. So, what will it take for either of these teams to land Emerson’s signature?

“Whenever I wake up one day and just know that that’s the place for me.”


Comments (19)

I mean we can't blow this one
Beast. Reel this guy in Banda!
I said it from the day he was offered he's a fake backup plan with great size now but can fill out more while being good as a back end or in the box safety. Perfect 3* who you can look at and tell is better then what some says
City vs Country or ACC vs SEC?
Kid would be a great fit for us
Would be really nice. We need help at safety if Frierson is to remain at CB.
I'm always reluctant with "staff feels"...or "kid told staff"...Because that hasn't meant sh*t, the last 5-10 years for UM recruits when pen meets paper, but this makes sense to UM. No kid been at as many practices as him, and GA still no DC. Let's make it happen.
Why can't other kids just handle the process like this?? I dont even care where you go kid. Best of luck. Starkville has AIDS. That's all I'll say.
We must do everything in our power to land this kid. I can't believe that I have never seen or heard of him before we offered. Emerson has everything you want in a Safety/Striker. He possesses great short area explosion and closing burst. He is extremely physical and is always looking to create turnovers. Excellent awareness and instincts against the run and in pass defense. Has surprisingly good coverage skills for a well built physical safety. His athleticism is evident immediately.

Emerson is everything you want as a Safety/Striker in the Diaz/Baker system. Kid has great diagnostic skills and will excel in run support while also being able to play zone or man vs inside WR. Also shows the natural timing, instincts and closing burst to be an elite blitzer. IMVHO Emerson has AA potential, especially in this defense. Put this kid in the mix with Finley, Smith, Smith, Carter, Bolden and Hall and we've got something.
We must do everything in our power to land this kid. I can't believe that I have never seen or heard of him before we offered. Emerson has everything you want in a Safety/Striker. He possesses great short area explosion and closing burst. He is extremely physical and is always looking to create turnovers. Excellent awareness and instincts against the run and in pass defense. Has surprisingly good coverage skills for a well built physical safety. His athleticism is evident immediately.

Emerson is everything you want as a Safety/Striker in the Diaz/Baker system. Kid has great diagnostic skills and will excel in run support while also being able to play zone or man vs inside WR. Also shows the natural timing, instincts and closing burst to be an elite blitzer. IMVHO Emerson has AA potential, especially in this defense. Put this kid in the mix with Finley, Smith, Smith, Carter, Bolden and Hall and we've got something.
i said for months i like his tape but his speed concerns me.
i said for months i like his tape but his speed concerns me.
Has he been timed in the 40? Obviously I would prefer great speed but not possessing it wouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker. I know Jaquan Johnson was very pedestrian in the speed department but still turned out fine.
Has he been timed in the 40? Obviously I would prefer great speed but not possessing it wouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker. I know Jaquan Johnson was very pedestrian in the speed department but still turned out fine.
no idea.
i said for months i like his tape but his speed concerns me.

I hear u; but do u think he’s fast enough to play here? Meaning he may never be a blazer, but do u see a guy w football IQ who can mitigate top end speed w understanding angles and using physicality?
Why can't other kids just handle the process like this?? I dont even care where you go kid. Best of luck. Starkville has AIDS. That's all I'll say.
I think most kids are like this but money and attention changes them, they realize they are big time and the rest is history. If they never get the big attention they stay low key most of the time, when the big dogs come in it just changes them man.
I think most kids are like this but money and attention changes them, they realize they are big time and the rest is history. If they never get the big attention they stay low key most of the time, when the big dogs come in it just changes them man.

That's why I feel like we actually land Emerson. He's not the type of kid that's going to get bags thrown his way. But I think he'll be a good player as long as he's coached up. He's not TS, but he still has potential.