Mark Richt introductory press conference updates

Mark Richt introductory press conference updates

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz

Comments (279)

No one won a ******* oscar why are they thanking everyone.
Blake James= Squid City

Don't matter though, cause he got Richt
BJ said "Scott future is bright" sounds like he is gone lol
We certainly have a faqqoty looking group of leaders....Frenk, James, Don "aids" Bailey. But somehow these guys got the job done.
Okay Blake is totally Beta. Like his wife might be his ********** beta....I'm sorry I'm happy about the hire. But you can tell who wears the pants in his "marriage"
"Thanks for your unsolicited input" aka "Thanks for flying those **** banners..."
"win acc and national championships"

btw, Richt has a much different presence than golden did.