Mark Richt introductory press conference updates

Mark Richt introductory press conference updates

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz

Comments (279)

No. The best statement would be " One last thing... D'Onofrio is terminated, effective IMMEDIATELY !!!"
1986 Born again believer in Jesus Christ. Goal became to try to live a life that God will be pleased with.
The difference between the real leader and coach we're watching and the last few guys is staggering.
We want great players from this area but we are going to take players from other areas too.
That's all folks.

The guy is a class act.

Time to get to work.
Giving notice to Jimbo, Saban and Mayer that he's going to rebuild the Iron Curtain along the I-4 Corridor.

Also he's going to poach that primo QB to Miami.
CMR just made fun of DBJ about screaming at the mic... and DBJ comes back on and, like a d&*k face, screams at the mic again. lol