Larry Correa - JUCO Fullback

4 min read
We did a short interview with Larry Correa today. He is a fullback/longsnapper at Pierce College in California. He went to Seminole High School with Ray Ray Armstrong and Dyron Dye.

How did your season go?
  • Our season did not go as well we wanted. We had lots of new kids. We started with a freshman quarterback. He got hurt and the back-up started the rest of the year.
Describe your game to someone who’s never seen you play.
  • Playing football allows you to be a different person on the field. You have to show you want to win, show that you care and do everything you can /anything you can to win.
What is your size right now?
  • 6 foot 260 lbs.
40 time?
  • 4.86.
Weightlifting numbers?
  • Bench 385 / Squat 500 / Clean 300.
  • I’m a weight room hog. I love being in the weight room. It feels like home. I love everything about working out. I love the challenge. I love the pain. The harder you push yourself in the weight room the easier it will be in the football field.
How did you end up at Pierce College?
  • Right out of high school I went to College of the Canyons. I didn’t really like it there – It didn’t feel like home. After a year I went back home. One of my friends from back home was a linebacker at Pierce College. He told me they needed a fullback so I went. I’ve been there for two years. I only played one year (this last year) because my first year was part time.
Will you be graduating from Junior College this year?
  • Yes, I will graduate in May.
What colleges have spoken to you?
  • USF
  • Jacksonville University
  • Grambling State University
  • Lincoln University
  • FIU
Have any of them offered?
  • Grambling State and Lincoln University.
  • USF said they would give me a preferred walk-on.
What position are you being recruited for?
  • Fullback and long snapper.
  • I’m a very good long snapper – it’s a gift. I snap .67 s speed to the punter from 15 yards – that’s NFL speed.
What would an offer from UM mean to you?
  • It would be a dream come true. I always wanted to get a degree from Miami. As a child I loved watching them play. It was like fireworks.
  • Legends come out the U – ever since I’ve been born that’s all I wanted to do.
  • My favorite player is Ray Lewis.
If Miami doesn't offer you a scholarship but says you can come and be a preferred walk on will you do it?
  • To be honest, most likely not. Miami is a very expensive school.
If a school wants to get in contact with you what’s the best way?
  • Cell phone
Do you have anything you'd like to add?
  • The U needs a long snapper and a fullback. I’m the best JUCO fullback in California so they would get a lot from me.
  • I love blocking on kickoffs. I made 15 tackles on kickoff returns this year.
  • I just want an opportunity to sit down and show my film. All you can ask for is an opportunity.
  • My favorite thing about Miami is that it’s a challenge every day just to keep your job. You gotta compete every day.


Comments (26)

Ay, Mrs. D$...I'd probably take ol boy's number off this forum.
i just holla'd at ol boy

cool cat

preciate dat DMoneyette

Dude is gonna be getting calls from Bruce, ImNotGayMyBFis, slashsteel, NJ, and probably Urs.

Please maintain a premium level of decorum when posting on this board.


SFbayCane & the staff
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Are we positive that the UM coaching staff is aware of this kid???
Miami is not recruiting a fullback for 2012 and also has a longsnapper on scholly from 2011. Doubt this kid is seriously recruited.
Miami is not recruiting a fullback for 2012 and also has a longsnapper on scholly from 2011. Doubt this kid is seriously recruited.

He seems like a better blocker out of the backfield then anyone else we currently have
maurice hagens is an above average blocker. he hasn't had as many devastating blocks as pat hill did but I expect him to be more consistent than pat was. Patrick hill whiffed on alot of blocks.
Good football player. Looks like a guy who can help in the backfield and on every special teams unit. It's a plus when your long snapper can also lay wood.
Looks like a good Fullback like i wrote earlier he looks like a better blocker then what we got. I went to that link for his highlights and he has his longsnapper stuff on there as well he moves that ball quick
ill pass... name sounds to much like larry coker...
Good football player. Looks like a guy who can help in the backfield and on every special teams unit. It's a plus when your long snapper can also lay wood.

I feel like that should be dirty somehow...
He has a very high Motor and he follow through with his blocks