K9Cane's Korner - I'm Hurt Dawg

8 min read
Yeah, I know this is super late( I went to the game and didn't come home till late Sunday night and was busy tying up loose ends all of today) so I apologize for the tardiness and for what most likely will be a lot of me repeating what has probably been said ad nauseam since late Saturday.

And in the words of the great Ed Reed:"I'm hurt dawg."

There's no other way to say it. This one stings. It's funny, but in recent years I've gone to many more Canes losses( some of the absolute blowouts) than victories as I seem to enjoy big UM road games than the stale atmosphere of Pro Player Sun Life Landshark Stadium. And because of that I've seen the Canes get drilled by Oklahoma, lose at the Horseshoe of the Ohio State and run over in Lincoln by the Huskers. But this game was different. This was that rare UM home game that was going to have a real collegiate atmosphere to it and I thought a great chance for Miami to make a statement on a national stage.

In boxing's parlance, they had a punchers chance. And early on they staggered the defending champions, had them on the ropes, but alas, could never deliver the knockout blow and faded during the championship rounds.

I can't lie, in recent years I've been desensitized to Miami losses as they become much more frequent than they once were. They are no longer gut-wrenching, leave you in a trance and sick to your stomach as they once did when losses were so rare and unexpected. Well, this was a loss that did all three at once. As I went down the circular walkway from high atop the upper reaches of Pro Player Stadium, I was bitterly stunned and disappointed by what had just unfolded and to hear Nole fans chant whatever it is they chant and taunt Miami fans left me ill. This was a game that was there to be won, had to be won( Al Golden desperately needed this one - and no, I'm not saying his job was on the line) and the fan-base demanded. Miami alums and fans from South Florida and far beyond showed up believing this was the time that a defining moment or turning point would take place.

For a majority of the game, Miami was in control, but ultimately, they couldn't get it done.

Yeah, I'm hurt dawg. There's no other way to say it.

- OK, instead of rehashing all the points( again, it's probably been stated many times over) I just wanted to focus in on this one play: Standish Dobard's fumble in the third. To me, this was the most pivotal of mistakes. It was a nice throw in a tight window by Brad Kaaya and beyond that, had gotten UM into FSU territory and at the very least close to field goal range. IIRC, the score was 23-17 and it was key that Miami make that a two score game, again - which they never did. When FSU recovered, many of us had that sinking feeling of impending doom.

- Kaaya played a very strong game( especially in the first half) but what was really frustrating is that in the second half it seemed that literally every pass that was deflected by FSU, it looked from my end zone seat that we had guys open( Yearby out in the flat or Dobard down the seam for what could've been a touchdown). Meanwhile, Jamies Winston gets a pass deflected and Karlos Williams goes all Franco Harris with it. FSU in many ways leads a charmed life.

- There's a great debate on whether our staff from an offensive standpoint got conservative. Honestly, Im not sure. I thought UM did a pretty good job running the ball consistently( Duke had 27 carries for 130 and a TD) and as 5XNC pointed out, if James Coley starts chucking it all over to no success in the second half, then the cry would be that he ignored his strength. Again, to my prior point, I saw pass deflections on Kaaya where our guys were running free.

But when you play the Noles, you have to keep scoring throughout. Miami scored just 3 points in the last two quarters - that's simply not good enough. FSU comes at you in waves and Dalvin Cook is a Mariano Rivera-like closer against defenses with tired legs and as a unit they believe that they are never beaten and just keeps plugging away. As Kaaya becomes the dominant factor in this offense next season, I'd like to see Miami play a more up-tempo type of game for all four quarters, make the goal to score at least 40 points in each game. Golden, in my opinion, has to do a better job of going to the whip and not just be content to milk the clock with second half leads.

- Again, I don't want to belabor what has probably been said before, so I'll go with this: the most enduring memory I'll have of this game actually after it was done. I was near the team buses waiting for a few people and I happen to see Denzel Perryman go towards his mother( I assume) and another female, he was greeted by them and you could clearly see he had tears running down his face. He literally collapsed in their arms and honestly, it seemed like they were carrying him forward as they headed towards their car on the way home. Perryman was spent and he had nothing left but his emotion. You couldn't help but feel for this guy. This was his last crack against the arch-rival and they came up excruciatingly close.

Perryman has been a solid Hurricane since day one, and in what has been a forgettable era of UM football, guys like he and Duke have held things down heroically and will go on to have very good pro careers. It's unfortunate that they didn't have a better fate during their time at Coral Gables.

As I saw Perryman walk off, I thought to myself,"This f'n staff owes it to guys like Denzel to be better. They ought to see this."Now, I admit, looking back, that's a bit unfair. Admittedly, I was pretty upset myself and I know the staff understands that games like this will determine their livelyhoods. Again, I'm hurt, but not nearly as much as Denzel was. I saw a lot of players afterwords as they came out, none were as crestfallen as he was.

That's a true 'Cane right there.

- Looking ahead, UVA is a tricky game. They aren't horrible, have a blitzing D and it's prime time and let's face it, we all know that the possibility of a huge letdown exists coming off this emotionally exhausting loss. I can't lie, I'm worried about this game.( And yeah, I know, I know, but as DMoney once said, we only get 12/13 Miami games a year, outside of boxing - which is my job - Hurricane football is my biggest passion. So yeah, I still give a **** about this game. And I plan on watching every single game of the Kaaya era.) And to be honest, Miami-UVa will be a decent undercard before the Pacquiao-Algieri fight.

- This was pointed out to me by a fellow Canes fan( who hates Golden, by the way) that next year we go into the season without Phillip Dorsett, Clive Walford( who is no worse than the second best TE in college football, IMO) Jon Feliciano, Denzel, Thurston Armbrister Anthony Chickillo, and of course Duke Johnson. For all this talk of Miami being young, they actually lose a load of talent, too. And speaking of which, can you really say this should be a four loss team ten games into the season? But I digress, has Miami recruited well enough the last two seasons to replenish the two-deep? I really hope Pentagon Cane is prophetic in his forecast of our 2015 squad.

- Finally, there was a great scene at All-Canes on Sunday afternoon, Howard Schnellenberger was there to do a book signing( hey, I bought one, the guy built this program) and Kaaya got to meet him. Hopefully this is an omen. Later on Courtel Jenkins came in, as did Ryan Fines and his family( very nice people). For those who care, there is a rumor that UM may ditch Nike and go with Adidas, which makes me ill. Sorry, I hate what Adidas does with football uni's and I'm a big Swoosh guy.

- So there it is, excuse me while I go throw up( again). Regardless, lets go Canes....

Comments (36)

Man I feel for Perryman. Did everything asked of him and more and to go out 0-4 vs FSU and no kind of championships. He deserves the Butkus Award and I hope he gets its. Man I feel bad for these kids
Yeah, I know this is super late( I went to the game and didn't come home till late Sunday night and was busy tying up loose ends all of today) so I apologize for the tardiness and for what most likely will be a lot of me repeating what has probably been said ad nauseam since late Saturday.

And in the words of the great Ed Reed:"I'm hurt dawg."

There's no other way to say it. This one stings. It's funny, but in recent years I've gone to many more Canes losses( some of the absolute blowouts) than victories as I seem to enjoy big UM road games than the stale atmosphere of Pro Player Sun Life Landshark Stadium. And because of that I've seen the Canes get drilled by Oklahoma, lose at the Horseshoe of the Ohio State and run over in Lincoln by the Huskers. But this game was different. This was that rare UM home game that was going to have a real collegiate atmosphere to it and I thought a great chance for Miami to make a statement on a national stage.

In boxing's parlance, they had a punchers chance. And early on they staggered the defending champions, had them on the ropes, but alas, could never deliver the knockout blow and faded during the championship rounds.

I can't lie, in recent years I've been desensitized to Miami losses as they become much more frequent than they once were. They are no longer gut-wrenching, leave you in a trance and sick to your stomach as they once did when losses were so rare and unexpected. Well, this was a loss that did all three at once. As I went down the circular walkway from high atop the upper reaches of Pro Player Stadium, I was bitterly stunned and disappointed by what had just unfolded and to hear Nole fans chant whatever it is they chant and taunt Miami fans left me ill. This was a game that was there to be won, had to be won( Al Golden desperately needed this one - and no, I'm not saying his job was on the line) and the fan-base demanded. Miami alums and fans from South Florida and far beyond showed up believing this was the time that a defining moment or turning point would take place.

For a majority of the game, Miami was in control, but ultimately, they couldn't get it done.

Yeah, I'm hurt dawg. There's no other way to say it.

- OK, instead of rehashing all the points( again, it's probably been stated many times over) I just wanted to focus in on this one play: Standish Dobard's fumble in the third. To me, this was the most pivotal of mistakes. It was a nice throw in a tight window by Brad Kaaya and beyond that, had gotten UM into FSU territory and at the very least close to field goal range. IIRC, the score was 23-17 and it was key that Miami make that a two score game, again - which they never did. When FSU recovered, many of us had that sinking feeling of impending doom.

- Kaaya played a very strong game( especially in the first half) but what was really frustrating is that in the second half it seemed that literally every pass that was deflected by FSU, it looked from my end zone seat that we had guys open( Yearby out in the flat or Dobard down the seam for what could've been a touchdown). Meanwhile, Jamies Winston gets a pass deflected and Karlos Williams goes all Franco Harris with it. FSU in many ways leads a charmed life.

- There's a great debate on whether our staff from an offensive standpoint got conservative. Honestly, Im not sure. I thought UM did a pretty good job running the ball consistently( Duke had 27 carries for 130 and a TD) and as 5XNC pointed out, if James Coley starts chucking it all over to no success in the second half, then the cry would be that he ignored his strength. Again, to my prior point, I saw pass deflections on Kaaya where our guys were running free.

But when you play the Noles, you have to keep scoring throughout. Miami scored just 3 points in the last two quarters - that's simply not good enough. FSU comes at you in waves and Dalvin Cook is a Mariano Rivera-like closer against defenses with tired legs and as a unit they believe that they are never beaten and just keeps plugging away. As Kaaya becomes the dominant factor in this offense next season, I'd like to see Miami play a more up-tempo type of game for all four quarters, make the goal to score at least 40 points in each game. Golden, in my opinion, has to do a better job of going to the whip and not just be content to milk the clock with second half leads.

- Again, I don't want to belabor what has probably been said before, so I'll go with this: the most enduring memory I'll have of this game actually after it was done. I was near the team buses waiting for a few people and I happen to see Denzel Perryman go towards his mother( I assume) and another female, he was greeted by them and you could clearly see he had tears running down his face. He literally collapsed in their arms and honestly, it seemed like they were carrying him forward as they headed towards their car on the way home. Perryman was spent and he had nothing left but his emotion. You couldn't help but feel for this guy. This was his last crack against the arch-rival and they came up excruciatingly close.

Perryman has been a solid Hurricane since day one, and in what has been a forgettable era of UM football, guys like he and Duke have held things down heroically and will go on to have very good pro careers. It's unfortunate that they didn't have a better fate during their time at Coral Gables.

As I saw Perryman walk off, I thought to myself,"This f'n staff owes it to guys like Denzel to be better. They ought to see this."Now, I admit, looking back, that's a bit unfair. Admittedly, I was pretty upset myself and I know the staff understands that games like this will determine their livelyhoods. Again, I'm hurt, but not nearly as much as Denzel was. I saw a lot of players afterwords as they came out, none were as crestfallen as he was.

That's a true 'Cane right there.

- Looking ahead, UVA is a tricky game. They aren't horrible, have a blitzing D and it's prime time and let's face it, we all know that the possibility of a huge letdown exists coming off this emotionally exhausting loss. I can't lie, I'm worried about this game.( And yeah, I know, I know, but as DMoney once said, we only get 12/13 Miami games a year, outside of boxing - which is my job - Hurricane football is my biggest passion. So yeah, I still give a **** about this game. And I plan on watching every single game of the Kaaya era.) And to be honest, Miami-UVa will be a decent undercard before the Pacquiao-Algieri fight.

- This was pointed out to me by a fellow Canes fan( who hates Golden, by the way) that next year we go into the season without Phillip Dorsett, Clive Walford( who is no worse than the second best TE in college football, IMO) Jon Feliciano, Denzel, Thurston Armbrister Anthony Chickillo, and of course Duke Johnson. For all this talk of Miami being young, they actually lose a load of talent, too. And speaking of which, can you really say this should be a four loss team ten games into the season? But I digress, has Miami recruited well enough the last two seasons to replenish the two-deep? I really hope Pentagon Cane is prophetic in his forecast of our 2015 squad.

- Finally, there was a great scene at All-Canes on Sunday afternoon, Howard Schnellenberger was there to do a book signing( hey, I bought one, the guy built this program) and Kaaya got to meet him. Hopefully this is an omen. Later on Courtel Jenkins came in, as did Ryan Fines and his family( very nice people). For those who care, there is a rumor that UM may ditch Nike and go with Adidas, which makes me ill. Sorry, I hate what Adidas does with football uni's and I'm a big Swoosh guy.

- So there it is, excuse me while I go throw up( again). Regardless, lets go Canes....

I feel like that "rumor" has been going around for the last 10 years.

We just got new uniforms from Nike, and we are one of their main "tester" schools.

No chance we ever switch to Adidas.
- This was pointed out to me by a fellow Canes fan( who hates Golden, by the way) that next year we go into the season without Phillip Dorsett, Clive Walford( who is no worse than the second best TE in college football, IMO) Jon Feliciano, Denzel, Thurston Armbrister Anthony Chickillo, and of course Duke Johnson. For all this talk of Miami being young, they actually lose a load of talent, too. And speaking of which, can you really say this should be a four loss team ten games into the season? But I digress, has Miami recruited well enough the last two seasons to replenish the two-deep? I really hope Pentagon Cane is prophetic in his forecast of our 2015 squad.

I've touched on this in the past. I know we lose experience, but take a look at the raw talent of the guys who will replace the "outstanding group of young men" you mentioned.

Can't replace Duke. Can't replace Denzel.

Phillip Dorsett...Stacy Coley
Clive Walford...Standish Dobard
Thurston Armbrister...Darrion Owens
Anthony Chickillo...Chad Thomas

And though we can't replace Denzel, Jermaine Grace could VERY well have a similar impact on the defense. That dude is a stud. Phenomenal instincts and tough as ****.

You also get back AQM and Rayshawn Jenkins to improve the safety depth.

And oh yeah...he ain't played a down yet, but I'm bullish on the kid nonetheless...

Demetrius Jackson
- This was pointed out to me by a fellow Canes fan( who hates Golden, by the way) that next year we go into the season without Phillip Dorsett, Clive Walford( who is no worse than the second best TE in college football, IMO) Jon Feliciano, Denzel, Thurston Armbrister Anthony Chickillo, and of course Duke Johnson. For all this talk of Miami being young, they actually lose a load of talent, too. And speaking of which, can you really say this should be a four loss team ten games into the season? But I digress, has Miami recruited well enough the last two seasons to replenish the two-deep? I really hope Pentagon Cane is prophetic in his forecast of our 2015 squad.

I've touched on this in the past. I know we lose experience, but take a look at the raw talent of the guys who will replace the "outstanding group of young men" you mentioned.

Can't replace Duke. Can't replace Denzel.

Phillip Dorsett...Stacy Coley
Clive Walford...Standish Dobard
Thurston Armbrister...Darrion Owens
Anthony Chickillo...Chad Thomas

And though we can't replace Denzel, Jermaine Grace could VERY well have a similar impact on the defense. That dude is a stud. Phenomenal instincts and tough as ****.

You also get back AQM and Rayshawn Jenkins to improve the safety depth.

And oh yeah...he ain't played a down yet, but I'm bullish on the kid nonetheless...

Demetrius Jackson

Jerz, who is our MLB next year? Do we have a true "MIKE" outside of Perryman on the roster?

Will it be Mike Smith or Terry McCray or does Raphael Kirby slide over?

Regardless, UM is losing one of the nations best at that spot
- This was pointed out to me by a fellow Canes fan( who hates Golden, by the way) that next year we go into the season without Phillip Dorsett, Clive Walford( who is no worse than the second best TE in college football, IMO) Jon Feliciano, Denzel, Thurston Armbrister Anthony Chickillo, and of course Duke Johnson. For all this talk of Miami being young, they actually lose a load of talent, too. And speaking of which, can you really say this should be a four loss team ten games into the season? But I digress, has Miami recruited well enough the last two seasons to replenish the two-deep? I really hope Pentagon Cane is prophetic in his forecast of our 2015 squad.

I've touched on this in the past. I know we lose experience, but take a look at the raw talent of the guys who will replace the "outstanding group of young men" you mentioned.

Can't replace Duke. Can't replace Denzel.

Phillip Dorsett...Stacy Coley
Clive Walford...Standish Dobard
Thurston Armbrister...Darrion Owens
Anthony Chickillo...Chad Thomas

And though we can't replace Denzel, Jermaine Grace could VERY well have a similar impact on the defense. That dude is a stud. Phenomenal instincts and tough as ****.

You also get back AQM and Rayshawn Jenkins to improve the safety depth.

And oh yeah...he ain't played a down yet, but I'm bullish on the kid nonetheless...

Demetrius Jackson

Jerz, who is our MLB next year? Do we have a true "MIKE" outside of Perryman on the roster?

Will it be Mike Smith or Terry McCray or does Raphael Kirby slide over?

Regardless, UM is losing one of the nations best at that spot

Kirby is probably going to slide over. He can call the defense and although he won't be spectacular and be running dudes down, he'll be solid. The athleticism that surrounds Kirby should make up for what we lost in Denzel.
It will be Kirby. He slides over a series or two a game when Perryman is out.

Imagine it will be:


Needless to say our LB depth is beyond frightening. A ready to go JUCO kid would be nice.

I'm not sure how Smith or McCray have looked in practice but playing in space was a concern coming out of HS.
Yeah, I know this is super late( I went to the game and didn't come home till late Sunday night and was busy tying up loose ends all of today) so I apologize for the tardiness and for what most likely will be a lot of me repeating what has probably been said ad nauseam since late Saturday.

And in the words of the great Ed Reed:"I'm hurt dawg."

There's no other way to say it. This one stings. It's funny, but in recent years I've gone to many more Canes losses( some of the absolute blowouts) than victories as I seem to enjoy big UM road games than the stale atmosphere of Pro Player Sun Life Landshark Stadium. And because of that I've seen the Canes get drilled by Oklahoma, lose at the Horseshoe of the Ohio State and run over in Lincoln by the Huskers. But this game was different. This was that rare UM home game that was going to have a real collegiate atmosphere to it and I thought a great chance for Miami to make a statement on a national stage.

In boxing's parlance, they had a punchers chance. And early on they staggered the defending champions, had them on the ropes, but alas, could never deliver the knockout blow and faded during the championship rounds.

I can't lie, in recent years I've been desensitized to Miami losses as they become much more frequent than they once were. They are no longer gut-wrenching, leave you in a trance and sick to your stomach as they once did when losses were so rare and unexpected. Well, this was a loss that did all three at once. As I went down the circular walkway from high atop the upper reaches of Pro Player Stadium, I was bitterly stunned and disappointed by what had just unfolded and to hear Nole fans chant whatever it is they chant and taunt Miami fans left me ill. This was a game that was there to be won, had to be won( Al Golden desperately needed this one - and no, I'm not saying his job was on the line) and the fan-base demanded. Miami alums and fans from South Florida and far beyond showed up believing this was the time that a defining moment or turning point would take place.

For a majority of the game, Miami was in control, but ultimately, they couldn't get it done.

Yeah, I'm hurt dawg. There's no other way to say it.

- OK, instead of rehashing all the points( again, it's probably been stated many times over) I just wanted to focus in on this one play: Standish Dobard's fumble in the third. To me, this was the most pivotal of mistakes. It was a nice throw in a tight window by Brad Kaaya and beyond that, had gotten UM into FSU territory and at the very least close to field goal range. IIRC, the score was 23-17 and it was key that Miami make that a two score game, again - which they never did. When FSU recovered, many of us had that sinking feeling of impending doom.

- Kaaya played a very strong game( especially in the first half) but what was really frustrating is that in the second half it seemed that literally every pass that was deflected by FSU, it looked from my end zone seat that we had guys open( Yearby out in the flat or Dobard down the seam for what could've been a touchdown). Meanwhile, Jamies Winston gets a pass deflected and Karlos Williams goes all Franco Harris with it. FSU in many ways leads a charmed life.

- There's a great debate on whether our staff from an offensive standpoint got conservative. Honestly, Im not sure. I thought UM did a pretty good job running the ball consistently( Duke had 27 carries for 130 and a TD) and as 5XNC pointed out, if James Coley starts chucking it all over to no success in the second half, then the cry would be that he ignored his strength. Again, to my prior point, I saw pass deflections on Kaaya where our guys were running free.

But when you play the Noles, you have to keep scoring throughout. Miami scored just 3 points in the last two quarters - that's simply not good enough. FSU comes at you in waves and Dalvin Cook is a Mariano Rivera-like closer against defenses with tired legs and as a unit they believe that they are never beaten and just keeps plugging away. As Kaaya becomes the dominant factor in this offense next season, I'd like to see Miami play a more up-tempo type of game for all four quarters, make the goal to score at least 40 points in each game. Golden, in my opinion, has to do a better job of going to the whip and not just be content to milk the clock with second half leads.

- Again, I don't want to belabor what has probably been said before, so I'll go with this: the most enduring memory I'll have of this game actually after it was done. I was near the team buses waiting for a few people and I happen to see Denzel Perryman go towards his mother( I assume) and another female, he was greeted by them and you could clearly see he had tears running down his face. He literally collapsed in their arms and honestly, it seemed like they were carrying him forward as they headed towards their car on the way home. Perryman was spent and he had nothing left but his emotion. You couldn't help but feel for this guy. This was his last crack against the arch-rival and they came up excruciatingly close.

Perryman has been a solid Hurricane since day one, and in what has been a forgettable era of UM football, guys like he and Duke have held things down heroically and will go on to have very good pro careers. It's unfortunate that they didn't have a better fate during their time at Coral Gables.

As I saw Perryman walk off, I thought to myself,"This f'n staff owes it to guys like Denzel to be better. They ought to see this."Now, I admit, looking back, that's a bit unfair. Admittedly, I was pretty upset myself and I know the staff understands that games like this will determine their livelyhoods. Again, I'm hurt, but not nearly as much as Denzel was. I saw a lot of players afterwords as they came out, none were as crestfallen as he was.

That's a true 'Cane right there.

- Looking ahead, UVA is a tricky game. They aren't horrible, have a blitzing D and it's prime time and let's face it, we all know that the possibility of a huge letdown exists coming off this emotionally exhausting loss. I can't lie, I'm worried about this game.( And yeah, I know, I know, but as DMoney once said, we only get 12/13 Miami games a year, outside of boxing - which is my job - Hurricane football is my biggest passion. So yeah, I still give a **** about this game. And I plan on watching every single game of the Kaaya era.) And to be honest, Miami-UVa will be a decent undercard before the Pacquiao-Algieri fight.

- This was pointed out to me by a fellow Canes fan( who hates Golden, by the way) that next year we go into the season without Phillip Dorsett, Clive Walford( who is no worse than the second best TE in college football, IMO) Jon Feliciano, Denzel, Thurston Armbrister Anthony Chickillo, and of course Duke Johnson. For all this talk of Miami being young, they actually lose a load of talent, too. And speaking of which, can you really say this should be a four loss team ten games into the season? But I digress, has Miami recruited well enough the last two seasons to replenish the two-deep? I really hope Pentagon Cane is prophetic in his forecast of our 2015 squad.

- Finally, there was a great scene at All-Canes on Sunday afternoon, Howard Schnellenberger was there to do a book signing( hey, I bought one, the guy built this program) and Kaaya got to meet him. Hopefully this is an omen. Later on Courtel Jenkins came in, as did Ryan Fines and his family( very nice people). For those who care, there is a rumor that UM may ditch Nike and go with Adidas, which makes me ill. Sorry, I hate what Adidas does with football uni's and I'm a big Swoosh guy.

- So there it is, excuse me while I go throw up( again). Regardless, lets go Canes....

I feel like that "rumor" has been going around for the last 10 years.

We just got new uniforms from Nike, and we are one of their main "tester" schools.

No chance we ever switch to Adidas.

I hope you're right! I love the swoosh and Adidas always comes across as second tier, lower level apparel!
Perryman saved 3 big plays that probably would have been tds by fsu kid was a stud
One happy thought, DP made himself $$$ coming back this year. He has gotten a lot of looks this year should have decent draft status. Dorsett made $$ this year too; his blocking on run plays is a huge bonus in NFL and not something you normally get out of a speed merchant. Plus his route running has improved. Not to mention, Hearns performance probably has people looking at our WR more this year. If RBs weren't so devalued, Duke would be 1st round. He should still go early as a total package back with untouched character(something of growing import in NFL). Clive has 1st round shot.

This loss, while sickening, answers, beyond a doubt, the most important question for a Miami team. We have found a frigging QB worthy of being the Miami QB. Next year in Tally, they will have the new kid and we will have the one on Heisman watch. Yearby and those 2014 recruits will give us RB debt we use to have. Something has changed on the Oline and Art is shining again(I think Al stopped being the control freak he is and let Art run the unit). I love Barrow, but LBs have improve greatly with Brown, who I think is the real growing star of staff. Hard to know about Ice because he has Duke and well, he has Duke. If for no other reason than Kaaya, I am looking forward to next year with more positive feelings than a long, long time, even with Al as HC. Brad is a true difference maker and we have just scratched the surface. This kid has a brain like Kosar but a better arm.

I have no faith in Golden, but I really think we are about to pass Noles on their way down. Last year they were supposed to be the greatest team ever. The year after we won our last NC, did we need true freshmen WRs and RB to win our games? Who were our replacements? Guys who went in 1st round the very next year. For all that great recruiting the noles have done, if stinking gators hold onto Cook, noles probably have 2 losses this year. Rapist is gone. We beat them next year.
Nice post K9, I had the exact same thought. "I'm hurt dawg".

This one was tough tough tough. I know Kaaya outplayed Winston in the first half, as FSU flat dared Miami to throw the ball, and Kaaya sliced them up. They went more zone, played softer coverage, we ran with success. That one hurt badly though, like an old loss used to hurt.

About next year think about this in regards to both teams, FSU loses QB, Karlos, Greene, O'Leary, 4 OL starters, more than likely Goldman, Edwards, Hollin, P.J.

Kirby will play Mike, and he has improved leaps and bounds this season. I think our DL is going to be the best we've had in years though. Hertelou and Wyche with a year on the training table, and college weight room, should both be much better. They both had weak squat numbers coming into Miami. Chad Thomas flashed the other night, that guy should be a beast with a year of nutrition and weight room. Jenkins and Moten same thing. Coaches are supposedly sky high on Demetrius Jackson, we get McCord and AQM back to rush the passer. Grace is our 2nd leading tackler right now, and has made huge improvements. Our secondary should be really good, I think best in the league next year, and one of the best in America. Elder, Crawford, Artie, Howard, Bush, Carter, and Jenkins is a nasty group. Throw in Jaquan who some think can play nickel corner or safety.

I expect Kaaya to gain some weight and strength. His arm could improve some, and he should be one of the elite QB's in college football. If DUke does leave, it's imperative Miami get Jordan Scarlett and Dexter Williams to follow through with there commitment. These 2 plus Mark Walton form the best RB class in America, and they bring bigtime athleticism to the position. Both tested off the charts in SPARQ. I think Scarlett may be the best RB in America right now.

I think Miami can be better in 2015 with elite QB play, and even a better defense. It needs to translate to wins.
Nice write-up K9, I like you have become numb to losses, but this one got me. I'm still rustled over this one, we had that game in our grasp and let it slip away. Cane nation needed that win on Saturday, it will take a while to recover. Let's hope the players are over it by Saturday night, otherwise UVA will run a train on them
Great Post K9 - I've been desensitized as well as many of us have with all the losing we have done. As much as I try and fool myself this game was different for the staff, for the fans and the players. This was 1999 UCLA, 2000 FSU etc... we are UM, we are Miami, we have lost that "swag" as a program and this could have helped bring that back. We get to enjoy the Kaaya years but we wasted the Duke years. I am not sure if Golden is the man or not, there is a lot that says he is not. What I do know is we have our "Franchise" QB and cannot waste those.

Through all of pain there is a glimmer of hope. We need to finish this year strong with momentum that helps in recruiting into next season.
This one literally made me sick. I got home front the game and puked, and it wasn't the booze. I'm not much of a drinker. This loss had an actual physical effect on me. ****ed up.