June 21st Al Golden Camp Observations

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
3 min read
I was only able to be there for a couple of hours, but this is what I was able to take away from yesterday's camp...

-Standish Dobard is a BEAST. I had heard mixed things about his athletic ability, but for the amount of time I was there, he looked fluid running routes, had soft hands, and was physically imposing. He's big, fast, and smooth. He has the potential to be a great all-around tight end, not just blocking or receiving. I'm really excited about him after seeing him work today.

-The staff isn't going to give up with the Alexanders. I had speculated earlier this week that there was possibly a disconnect between the staff and the twins, and I've recently heard that neither have offers. This is a step in the positive direction to see them get out there. It was a chance to not only bond with the coaches, but for Mackenro to show his abilities. I still think this is a longshot, but far from over. Mackensie did not participate.

-There were a couple of discrepancies in height. LB Michael Deeb is listed at 6'3, but he was nowhere near that height. He was closer to 6'1, which is not too bad of a height, but it was just disappointing because I was expecting to see him a lot bigger. He still "looks" like a linebacker. Kevin Olsen is another kid who is listed at 6'3, but he was a couple inches shorter than that.

-Kevin Olsen is the future. Just from watching him for a short period of time, you can tell that he is very mechanically sound and "gets" it. It was visible that Jedd Fisch was working with him in particular, which was great to see because he won't have another opportunity to do that for a while (basically until he gets on campus).

-Another kid that was out there, but did not participate was Vernon Hargreaves. Hargreaves is the best corner in the state and possibly the nation, so for him to just be out there is big. Like I said earlier this week, though, UF is the team to beat.

-2014 CB Trumaine Washington (Killian) won MVP for DBs. I mentioned Trumaine in a post last week and said he was one to keep an eye on. He played for Columbus last year and was a constant playmaker. I know him very well and he is a DIE HARD Cane. He wants a Miami offer more than anything and would most likely commit on the spot if offered.

Comments (22)

Mike Deeb and Olsen short... ****... every post and website got him at 6'3... disappointing 2 hear
I still want to know how did Deeb perform? Did he perform?
Thanks Peter. Quality stuff.

In terms of Mackensie, how does he compare to Hargreaves? I've heard Mackensie is an elite talent as well, as good athletically, if not better then Hargreaves. Jusat wanted your thoughts.

Personally, with Carter close to popping for us and being in good shape with Burns, why not offer Mackenro. Kid seems to have quality talent, and it seems to me the team who offers him has an inside track with Mackensie. Its not like we don't need safeties. Immokalee is Cane country, so I'd like to see us nab these 2.
Mackensie looks like a S/LB tweener on his tape. would you agree Peter? or is he def a S?
baby jesus only 6'1? nooooooooooooooooooo.
Thanks for the info. Cant wait to see olsen at miami. Qb depth is finally going to be fixed.
Olsen is gonna grow most likely. His brothers are both 6'6", his dad is taller than him as well. I think he is at least 6'2". Another inch or two would be perfect. 6'4" is the premier QB height.
Olsen is gonna grow most likely. His brothers are both 6'6", his dad is taller than him as well. I think he is at least 6'2". Another inch or two would be perfect. 6'4" is the premier QB height.

Yup, Greg grew a few inches during his senior year alone.
Either way, 6'1 is fine for a college QB if they know what they're doing. Not so much for a pro prospect, but I'm not worried about that yet.