JuCo Hooks: Coach Franklin is like a relative

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
2 min read
The search for a Junior College Defensive Tackle seems to be centered in on Lavon Hooks (6'4", 290). Hooks has an interesting story, as he actually played receiver in high school before bulking up t the size he's at now.

"Playing receiver helped me with my footwork, but most of my athleticism came from me playing basketball."

Last time I interviewed Lavon Hooks, he was on his way to Nebraska for a visit. Hooks spoke about that experience.

"It went pretty good. I enjoyed myself and the game day atmosphere."

The Canes seem to have made a move to the top of Hooks' list even though he hasn't visited Miami yet. This is largely in part to his relationship with defensive line coach Jethro Franklin.

"Coach Jethro (Franklin) is like a relative right now. He's like an uncle or something."

What is Hooks expecting from his visit to Miami scheduled for December 7th?

"The way Coach Jethro puts it, I'm expecting it to be like paradise when I go down there."

Not only is Franklin talking to him on the phone, but the Miami DL coach is set to meet with him this week, as well as his parents.

"Coach Jethro should be here (in Mississippi) on Thursday and he's going to stop in Atlanta to see my parents. My dad loves Coach Franklin. My parents just want me to go wherever I'm happy."

One of the main pitches that Miami is using to recruit the talented JuCo lineman is the opportunity to play early on.

"It's a huge deal. I've seen their highlights and I can tell they're struggling there. I hear that from every coach about how they need a D-tackle, so that's all part of recruiting."

Besides Miami and Nebraska, Hooks said that Arizona State and Ole Miss are also in the picture. He has visited both of those schools.

When asked about the chances of him winding up at Miami, Hooks had this to say.

"It's hard to really put a percentage on it, but just talking to coach Franklin, it's likely that I end up at Miami. It's a very good chance."

Comments (79)

This kid can get early playing time coming here, would love to have him..

Good to hear coach franklin putting in work
This defense is in dire need of a player or two on the defensive line that is versatile, inside and out...can control a gap, block down.
Crown Coach Franklin. How often do you see any recruit mention a position coach that often in an interview? Franklin and Hooks clearly clicked, and that's a good sign for our chances of both landing him and getting him to make a big impact.
I would love to land him. He is a beast. Any update on Dee Liner?
He would see A LOT of playing time. Hope he realizes that. We need some talented ******* bodies on the line. C'mon, Meat Hooks.
Would be a big get at a position of need. Hopefully we can uncover a JUCO DE as well.
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Kid looks like a monster on the field.

im fappin
I was really in "believe it when I see it mode" with this kid but **** does that interview sound promising.