Jelani Hamilton - 12-23-2011

2 min read
“I’m fully committed to Miami, Coach Golden, and his program,â€￾ Hamilton said.
“I feel really good about what he’s doing and about what he brings to the table.
I believe that he has the tools to succeed.â€￾

“I was keeping my options to see what else was out there, not that I had taken any other visits yet,â€￾ Hamilton said.
“I was going off what I saw on TV and Miami isn’t like what it was when I first started high school.
Not to criticize or judge Randy Shannon, I felt like his players kind of gave up and didn’t play to their full potential.
I see guys giving full effort and full attention to Coach Golden.â€￾

“What had me feeling confident about Miami coming of my visit was being able to look at the depth chart,â€￾ Hamilton said.
“I really got to sit down, discuss who’s leaving and staying, and that’s very important to me.
I want to see how I’m going to get on the field and if I’m going to get early playing time.â€￾

“Coach Franklin came by and we talked about the same thing,â€￾ Hamilton said. “The first thing I asked him was how
the players reacted to having new coaches. Did everybody create that bond or are there guys still in their old ways?
They know things a certain way and maybe they can’t change, don’t want to change, or can’t adjust.
I want to know how the players were dealing with a new head coach who runs things his way.â€￾

Comments (19)

**** did he really say that?? Out with the old and in with the new...
in that last paragraph there i dont really understand where he is going with that...
basically the old players weren't buying into what Golden is tryin to do..
Man this upcoming class is gonna be special alread see a difference in their mindset compared to some guys already on the team
Awesome. This is another must get kid, and its great to hear the message is getting through
What's important is to get kids who WANT to play, will WORK HARD to improve, who will play until they collapse on the field, and go even farther to win.

Guys who get up when knocked down and don't quit. Who keep coming regardless of the score.
Sounds like it. I really want some mean leaders on the field and not just on the sidelines.
I LIKE that.

He wants to know what HE has to do to get on the field.

Not what THEY'RE going to do.
Also these kids, by their own acord or someone elses influence, see that we were chock full of prima donnas and entitled babies
Also these kids, by their own acord or someone elses influence, see that we were chock full of prima donnas and entitled babies

Miami Nights thinks we had world class talent and depth on this team and that should of been enough to win the ACCC.
JH just changed his twitter background picture to this..

I think he'll be a good stack end for Miami. Needs to put on some weight, and I think he'd need a redshirt, but I'm not sure we can afford to 'shirt'em.