Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

Stefan Adams

Comments (857)

This sucks, but if the guy just doesn’t show up to meetings and practice what can you do?
Who knows what it was. Guys on here blaming richt. Doubt any coach would cut Thomas loose for anything short if something pretty egregious. I would think you all would want to know the story before reaching any conclusions.
Butch wouldn’t have to put up with anything... JT would have **** to be upset about ballin out in an environment that knows how to handle, develop, and utilize top talent like him.

Don’t disagree except JT isn’t just the way he is because of play etc. the kid just as issues
Butch wouldn’t have to put up with anything... JT would have **** to be upset about ballin out in an environment that knows how to handle, develop, and utilize top talent like him.

No, because JT would have gotten drug up and down the locker room for acting out like that thinking he was bigger than the team. And the second he quit the first time he would have gotten bounced out of the locker room like he snuck into VIP at the club when trying to come back. The players handled the out of control attitudes themselves.
No decision Richt has made worked out and yall still giving him the benefit of the doubt ? GTFOH, Richt is lost and clueless. Worst coach in America.
Mark Richt recruited and accepted Jeff Thomas' commitment to the University of Miami after he had quit on his High School team then questions his commitment and tosses him from the team for quitting on the team and we here blaming Jeff Thomas.

Taking your eyes off the ball here, boys.
I put some of this on Perry. He clearly wasn't putting in anywhere near the amount of work necessary to play. He's done more in the past few weeks and it shows. All of this frustration form the WR's is because the QB play sucked. If Perry handled his crap this offseason he would've been the starter and we wouldn't be here. Is it the coaches fault he wasn't ready? Maybe a little. Mostly on the player. Just my take on this.
I put some of this on Perry. He clearly wasn't putting in anywhere near the amount of work necessary to play. He's done more in the past few weeks and it shows. All of this frustration form the WR's is because the QB play sucked. If Perry handled his crap this offseason he would've been the starter and we wouldn't be here. Is it the coaches fault he wasn't ready? Maybe a little. Mostly on the player. Just my take on this.
his position coach is a toddler with no knowledge. If he had someone to look up too maybe things would be different.
Lol, did you see what Mike Locksley did to New Mexico? Tuned that program up real nice...perennial bowl team under Rocky Long to a 1 win a year program after f**kboy Locksley

This. Morons like this clown should root for FIU.
Jeff must have forgotten to bring his bible to practice so Reverend Rick kicked him to the curb.

Ok let’s give Rick the benefit of the doubt here and assume Thomas was a loose cannon. It’s still a terrible look for the recruits.

GTFOH with this bull**** narrative. Gerald Willis would like to have a word with you.
Jesus Christ, everyone, listen to yourselves...

How about instead of taking sides because it pushes your agenda about the direction of the program, you all take a moment to step back and evaluate everything.

Sunshine pumpers: “JT4 was a cancer; it had to be done.”

Doom and gloomers: “Fvck Richt! This is all his fault. Only he would dismiss JT4.”

The truth is always somewhere in the middle, whether you all admit it or not.

I’m sure more will come out about this in the next couple of days.

Smh... Of course every party shares some of the blame, but it shouldn't have even gotten to that point.