Golden, Fisch and D'Onofrio Interviews WQAM

1 min read
Al Golden, Jedd Fisch and Mark D'Onofrio all were interviewed on WQAM the past 2 days. They were asking a lot of questions about the Spring Game which is this Saturday

Comments (21)

Don't have time to write them right now, but one is there won't be much blitzing in the spring game. That really isn't a surprise though.
Jedd Fisch - were not crazy were gonna get duke johnson the ball and figure out how to do it. gonna be fun to watch

we need to get tough. we've been an athletic team lately but not a tough team. we need to get back to being both tough and athletic.

we are a more competitive team at every position this spring

dan says we need to become mentally tough, golden agrees.

we have a long way to go until we have positions 2-3 deep where 1 teamers have to push themselves to stay at a starting position, though.

tackling, finishing plays, going after ball are prerequisites for defense. if you don't do those things, forget about trying to start.

dewey and crow getting more looks because of morris injury.

ryan taking reps with 1's on saturday.

dewey and crow will take reps as well.

linebacker is most competitive position on the team at the moment.

gaines, perryman, ambrister, kirby, witt, paul, cornelius, buck all mentioned.
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morris not playing in the scrimmage

morris has been best surprise of the spring- communication, football iq, leadership role, prepration, all improved

open competition for qb because of how well ryan has been playing

ryan has thrown 300 balls, 5 turnovers, 70% completion this spring

"when i recruited scott i knew he would be amazing and i was right"- as a joke

"scott is going to be a really really special football player for us for the next few years"

"you always hope that your name gets brought up for NFL jobs because it's a compliment but i made a commitment to the university and al that i want to see this through. i really believe that we are going to have some big things in the years to come"

tight ends caught 28 balls last year, jedd wants 50-60 catches to meet goals

asante and clive can create matchup problems because of how big they are

they have become better blockers

if they start catching as they should there will be some real matchup issues for other teams

"feliciano will be a big impact at guard this year"

"bunche and seantrel will be big as tackles"

"if we can get those guys to play at their potential and stay healthy we will be much better than last year"

"linder playing better than last year"

we will need to rely on some of the freshmen coming in

we need a couple of wr's to step up

"we're going to give duke johnson the ball and we'll figure out how to do it"

dorsett is beginning to show up more and more at practice. playing confident, fast.

most important thing to execute at scrimmage: being fast, breaking huddle quick, alignments quickly, no procedures issues, no play calling issues, keep ball on the ground, be an efficient offense, phillip and scott will be showcased at wr "we'll let them run the passing show" (a bit contradicting between keeping the ball on the ground and to showcase phillip and scott)
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Thanks for taking the time to summarize.


morris not playing in the scrimmage

morris has been best surprise of the spring- communication, football iq, leadership role, prepration, all improved

open competition for qb because of how well ryan has been playing

ryan has thrown 300 balls, 5 turnovers, 70% completion this spring

"when i recruited scott i knew he would be amazing and i was right"- as a joke

"scott is going to be a really really special football player for us for the next few years"

"you always hope that your name gets brought up for NFL jobs because it's a compliment but i made a commitment to the university and al that i want to see this through. i really believe that we are going to have some big things in the years to come"

tight ends caught 28 balls last year, jedd wants 50-60 catches to meet goals

asante and clive can create matchup problems because of how big they are

they have become better blockers

if they start catching as they should there will be some real matchup issues for other teams

"feliciano will be a big impact at guard this year"

"bunche and seantrel will be big as tackles"

"if we can get those guys to play at their potential and stay healthy we will be much better than last year"

"linder playing better than last year"

we will need to rely on some of the freshmen coming in

we need a couple of wr's to step up

"we're going to give duke johnson the ball and we'll figure out how to do it"

dorsett is beginning to show up more and more at practice. playing confident, fast.

most important thing to execute at scrimmage: being fast, breaking huddle quick, alignments quickly, no procedures issues, no play calling issues, keep ball on the ground, be an efficient offense, phillip and scott will be showcased at wr "we'll let them run the passing show" (a bit contradicting between keeping the ball on the ground and to showcase phillip and scott)

sky is the limit for perryman, he can run and hit, natural ability.

perryman is trying to get better preparation and step up to the next level, wants to get to the level of spence at lb.

"i feel good about our ability to run the right defense and tackle at the safety position"

excited about the first year corners, nervous about youth but excited that they'll be around for a few years

"we want to finish, play in great shape, physical, tough, tackle strong, attacking the ball, disrupting the ball (batting passes, strips, etc), score off int's"

tackling is doing better than last year by %s

cain moved to rush end position early, more natural there, playing more comfortably there, gotten better every practice, gives flexibility at that position

mcgee trying to get more physical, focusing on tackling.

mcgee up to 194#

"these scrimmages count more in our evaluation of players than the greentree practices do"

coaches are using the incoming freshmen as motivation for guys on the team now, says that they tell the players that if they don't take care of business freshmen will be playing

18 guys who are not playing at the scrimmage will be competing for spots when the season rolls around

"this group is way, way ahead of where we were last year at this point"

"we won't run a ton of blitzes tomorrow, we're just going to see who can come off blocks, make plays and make tackles"
Thank you for the summaries. Good stuff, especially what Jedd had to say. We're going to be green and thin this year, but IMHO it's going to be exciting watching guys like Scott, Hope and Flowers emerge and grow. Really hard not to get pumped about this, "this group is way, way ahead of where we were last year at this point" and this, "morris has been best surprise of the spring- communication, football iq, leadership role, prepration, all improved".
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TheU1991 again.
For whatever reason, I've always been a big fan of KT.

I'm really hoping he does things in his last season here
morris has been best surprise of the spring- communication, football iq, leadership role, prepration, all improved

this is the most important thing I've heard all spring
we know he's got the tools
it's the identification, the maturity, the poise...
if he can be healthy and have his head on right, we will be a better offense even w/o the explosive skills of streeter, benjamin and miller
Morris = stud (especially as a Sr). You will all see the light.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TheU1991 again.
morris has been best surprise of the spring- communication, football iq, leadership role, prepration, all improved

this is the most important thing I've heard all spring
we know he's got the tools
it's the identification, the maturity, the poise...
if he can be healthy and have his head on right, we could be a better offense even w/o the explosive skills of streeter, benjamin and miller
