Freshman QB Williams battles for backup job, previews LSU

Stefan Adams
4 min read
Miami freshman QB Jarren Williams has spent fall camp getting reps as the #4 QB and battling to win the backup job behind starter Malik Rosier. Back on media day last week, Williams discussed how the UM defense came at him in the first fall scrimmage.

“It was tough sometimes, they threw a couple of blitzes at us,” Williams said. “But I know what I’m capable of.”

The true freshman from Georgia made plenty of buzz in the spring, looking like a signal-caller that was poised and polished beyond his years. Williams says coming in early for spring ball absolutely had a big impact in preparing him for the 2018 season.

“It was great. Coming in early, it gave me the chance to really dive in and get into the playbook, as well as get me used to the speed and get a feel for the college game,” Williams said. “So, I think it was a big help for me coming in early.”

Even with Williams’ advanced skill-set, that’s not to say everything has gone completely smooth. Williams has had his fair share of freshmen hiccups just like anyone else and is hard at work to correct them.

“Man, I can’t even begin to tell you. In spring, there was sometimes that I would line up and be like, ‘Oh my gosh, what does this guy have?’ And I would just drop back and just say ‘Well, he’s open’ and chuck it up,” Williams said. “But, as time’s gone on, I’ve really started to understand the playbook. I just expect a lot of myself and I'm hard on myself about it. I have to keep at it, stay in my playbook and sooner or later I'll master this thing. It’s going to be good.”

Like any prospect heading to a major college program, Williams has his sights on one day playing in the NFL. In fact, the main reason he signed with UM is because he has a steadfast belief that Mark Richt can help get him there.

“Before I signed, I was looking more at player development, coach Richt, listening to how he teaches and seeing if I could see myself in his offense. And I really could,” Williams said. “I want to play at the next level, that’s my goal and that’s why I came here. I feel like being in this system and understanding defenses and learning what coach Richt teaches will help me get to that next level.”

The Canes have made it a point of emphasis to recruit more of Williams’ home state the past few years, signing Williams, WR Marquez Ezzard, and FB Realus “Unc” George from the Peach State in the 2018 class alone.

“I think it’s a great fit,” Williams said on the Georgia kids coming to Miami. “A guy like Unc (George), what makes him so valuable to us, is he actually played running back growing up. He’s a big boy, but he can move. He also played linebacker, so he has a great understanding of the game. For him, it’s just learning, like me. All these freshmen coming in, we have to get in this playbook and really start to understand what’s going on. And then, once he understands what’s going on, he’ll be able to help the team a lot.”

Williams and George have an especially close relationship and played ball together growing up as kids. There’s been a lot of talk about George looking much older than an 18 year old kid; how old is George really?

“See, I grew up with Unc, so I could already kind of see like, ‘This guy is really going to look old when he gets older’,” Williams said. “But, he looks about 35, 36, I’d say…maybe 40.”

The Canes will open their 2018 season against #25 LSU in Arlington, Texas in less than 2 weeks. What has Williams been seeing from the Tigers’ defense?

“I see that they like to play a lot of cover-1, they like to play a lot of man,” Williams said. “They’ve got those big guys up front. They’re a talented team, but I feel like we’re going to be prepared.”

Comments (19)

Jarren is the future at the QB spot for Miami, no question. His accuracy and understanding of football concepts at his early age will only serve him well on Saturdays next Fall. He has all the measureables you’d love in a QB and I can see him leading the U to a National Title!
The part about George was funny.

He very well may be the future down the road, but like every incoming Freshman, he has a lot of work to do to get there.

Beyond that, people really take leaps in what they say.

MJJ didnt come because of him. That's partially true, but there's another two guys ahead of Williams right now that have the potential to be here when MJJ would've arrived.

Then there's those who claim he's got a better unserstanding of the game, can grasp football concepts better, etc. You guys don't know that, not wothout being around all the guys daily.

I think he'll be a good one down the road. He throws a nice ball, but the rest of the stuff will come with time or it won't. I'm sure come next year, you'll all have moved onto the next new recruit, so whatever.
We finally have high-quality depth at the QB position. I think Williams is going to be spectacular as our starting QB sometime over the next 0-3 years. One thing is for sure, if any of the guys above him slack off, he's going to leapfrog into the #3, #2, or #1 spots quickly. Because that boy is on a mission.
QB's throwing to the TEs today. It's one thing to hear & read about how the QBs are progressing, & it's another to see it with your own eyes. I believe at some point this year, our QB play will improve significantly.

Come on, Malik. There are no defender on that route and you can't hit your man? I still think you will be fine. 65% is all I am asking for.
Come on, Malik. There are no defender on that route and you can't hit your man? I still think you will be fine. 65% is all I am asking for.

Asking too much. I'll take 58% with a 40% 3rd down conversion rate, and a 22 TD passing - 6 int ratio with another 7 TDs coming from the ground. 3300 yrds on the season.

I'll take that. That's 250/ppg on 58% passing. That's the least he can do w/ all these weapons.
What is the use of having and 3 headed MONSTER

when Nosier plays like
Blowsier has terrible accuracy and I've seen nothing that shows me he has improved.