Fall Camp 2023 Media Day Updates

Comments (142)

I hope that's part of an elaborate scheme to have him appear in Game 1, full go, maybe dropped off by a helicopter prior to the coin flip like Sebastian in the OB.
Penn State. 1992. I remember that bit as a kid.
I hope that's part of an elaborate scheme to have him appear in Game 1, full go, maybe dropped off by a helicopter prior to the coin flip like Sebastian in the OB.
Lol man we can only hope.
Some highlights as reported by various Cane boards:


-aggressive, blitz-heavy Miami Hurricanes defense that will try to confuse offenses with numerous different looks.
-Will stack seven defenders in the box. He’s not afraid to leave corners on an island. He also won’t use the extremely heavy rotation on the front seven that saw top Miami players sometimes in for barely half the reps of a game.
-confuses offenses by using a variety of looks with the same personnel.

- James Williams, will be lined up at outside linebacker against run-heavy fronts and will also have plenty of blitz/rush responsibilities.
"We’ll blitz corners, ‘backers, safeties, drop different guys in coverage. Just be as multiple as we can, mix up things for the offensive line and quarterbacks as much as you can.”

-kam Kinchens is the unquestioned leader of the team. Kinchens routinely puts in two hours of film study a day early in the morning—and those extra study habits have become infectious with the rest of the defense. When players needed to put in extra work to improve, Kinchens was willing to put that work in with them.

-Guidry runs his defense through the safety position and so having a player like Kinchens to command things on the back end makes things run smoothly. Most defensive coordinators wait to see the offensive formations before making their defensive calls, but Guidry would rather make the defensive call first and then give Kinchens to make calls and checks based on what the offense shows.

- “It is always great when you have a really, really big sucker. When you don’t have it, you have to create ways to make up for that, which can be movement from your defensive linemen or different techniques. We feel like we have enough big guys, but we might not have the big anchor. It is what it is. I think we have good depth and we have good players up front and we have some linebackers that can come downhill and play. I think the defensive line is the strength of the defense.”

-Guidry believes in cross-training the defensive back positions: “If you play corner, you also have to play some nickel for us. If you play nickel, you also have to play some safety. The safeties also have to play some nickel as well.”

- “You have to be able to play the deep balls downfield. There is a lot of back-shoulder throws. You have to be able to get guys down, but you have to really limit the big plays that happen downfield. I always feel like you are going to give up some big plays, but as long as you get the guys down, you have a chance. You can’t let long throws go for touchdowns. Defending the outside is where corners will make their money.”

- “There is going to be some good competition at linebacker,” . “We have a lot of ‘backers that can play.”

- “We have ones, twos and threes and each day we’ll grade the film and whoever graded out the best and had a productive day will be the starter the next day,” . “Coach (Mario) Cristobal approves every depth chart change. … When we get to the game time it’ll be the guys who had the best fall camp, who we really trust and who has made plays."

“If a guy goes down the depth chart and he pouts, then he’s probably going to pout in the game. If he fights to get back on the No. 1s, that’s a guy who is going to respond in a game. So you look at all those little things that create good chemistry.”

Jason Taylor on Coach Guidry:
“I love everything about him. I have been around him now for maybe four months and he is great. His energy, his open-mindedness, his ability to work with different people from different races and religions. He will be the first to tell you he is the biggest melting pot in what is a huge melting pot here in the city of Miami. I look forward to getting into game action with him when the stress and the pressure is on. He calls himself a crazy Cajun and he is infectious. His passion and energy for the game is special. He is also highly intelligent and I am excited to see what he can do with the opportunity to coach at this level.”
I really like Lance.. I especially enjoyed his answer talking about halftime adjustments, I think he’s going to be a good one.
If you get a chance, listen to his behind the U podcast. He goes in more depth and explains it.. Pretty good stuff, actually reminds me some of Manny who when he was only a DC here was pretty good at halftime adjustments
I don’t like that at all.
Yea, think I would rather see him coming off the edge in passing down packages. Mike is a seasoned players position. Guess we will find out soon tho.