Diaz updates QB battle, weighs-in on linemen

Diaz updates QB battle, weighs-in on linemen

Stefan Adams

Comments (54)

Thats who he was asked about. They didnt ask about perry because they have seen him before. Yall dudes love acting like everything done or said has a deeper meaning.
Bruh, thank you. Some of our fans can be very dark.
NKosi is still a QB at the university of Miami regardless of whether Stefan wants to include him or not. Let the competition unfold without injecting bias. There’s QB1, QB2, and QB3

@jw410 did my comment hurt your feelings?
Ms. Perry, I don't care for you or your son.🤦🏽‍♂️💯😂😂

Very classic and original like Richts playbook. 😂😂😂😂😂💯💯💯💯 you’re out of your league Rosier. You aren’t getting any play over here. ✌🏽 #ByeFelicia
This is my first time responding but I’ve been reading posts for years. Probably before you were born guppy.
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