Coming off back-to-back visits to UM, Richards updates latest

Stefan Adams
6 min read
Over the past few years, 2019 4-star ATH Mark-Antony Richards has been a frequent visitor to the Miami campus. Recently, he added two more visits to his total, stopping by Coral Gables for Underclassman Day and a spring practice, and Richards sees great things for UM’s future on the field.

“I’ve been down there twice since spring started and I really like what I’m seeing, not just from a recruiting standpoint, but also the team itself,” Richards said. “I think they can make a national championship run.”

When Richards was at UM for Underclassman Day, the Canes went on a wild run, landing four commitments on the afternoon even though none of them planned on it going into the day. Richards was there to experience the excitement firsthand and expanded on the recruiting hoopla around the Hurricanes right now.

“Yeah, it was pretty cool seeing some of the younger guys commit to Miami. The fact is, Miami’s such a great school and it also shows that those guys have been working hard,” said Richards. “That’s really how a lot of guys committed to Miami before (unplanned), they talk about just the vibe from the coaches and they felt like it was more than just football. That’s something that I’m gonna be looking for before I commit somewhere.”

Richards plays all around the field for his Wellington team and many schools are recruiting him as an athlete that can play either side of the ball. The Canes are no different and just hope to add Richards’ talent to the roster at any position, but have indicated to him where they see his biggest potential at.

“At this point, they’re just recruiting me as an athlete,” Richards said on Miami. “If I’m not mistaken, coach Richt told my coach that regardless of the position I play, they just want me to be a part of the program. I think he mentioned to my coach that they’d rather me on defense (as a safety), because they love me on defense.”

It’s no secret that Mark-Antony’s older brother, Ahmmon Richards, is a star junior receiver for the Canes. The older Richards is coming off knee surgery from a torn meniscus in his left knee suffered towards the end of last season, and is slowly rehabbing back. He was out at spring practice this week doing work off to the side, running routes and catching balls, but is still not cleared for contact work.

“He’s been working so hard to get back,” Mark-Antony said on Ahmmon. “Just him talking to me, I know this year, his junior year, is gonna be big for him. Personally, I hope he does (leave for the NFL as a junior), but God will take care of that.”

Is playing together at the next level in Coral Gables something the Richards brothers talk about?

“Not really. Like I said before, it’s my career and he understands that. He doesn’t want to push me to one place and feel like he was the only reason why,” Richards said. “I want to go somewhere where I can have the most success for me and he understands that. It’s just about me being comfortable, and Miami’s doing a great job recruiting me, along with a few other schools.”

One of those other schools is UF and Richards will be in Gainesville attending the Florida Gators spring game this weekend. Richards has been to Florida once before for a camp, but didn’t get to see much outside of the practice field then, so this trip will be about familiarizing himself more with the campus at UF. Richards also says Florida is recruiting him specifically on offense.

“Really, I just want to hear what the coaches have to tell me. I’ve spoken to pretty much all the coaches on the offensive side of the ball,” Richards said. “They tell me all the great things about the program. I can’t wait till I get up there and see the school and academics and see if I can catch a vibe there like I did with Miami and a few other schools like Auburn.”

While Richards says things could change by the day with him, he does say he is shooting to have a school in place and sign in the early signing period.

“It could be December, or it could be sooner. It depends on how fast things go. The recruiting process is kind of a mystery, you never know what you could decide in the future,” Richards said. “I’m looking to sign in the early signing period (in December). But, if not then, I’ll probably wait until National Signing Day (in February) to see if I can catch a vibe from a few schools.”

Now that spring is starting to come to a close, Richards anticipates beginning to narrow things down in the summer and will release a full top 5 in August. While he won’t name favorites just yet, he does say the Canes are one of the schools that contact him the most.

“There are a few schools that are starting to stick out to me, but I’m not gonna release anything yet. But definitely in summertime I’ll release a top 10 and in August, I’ll release my top 5,” Richards said. “Right now, I’m definitely hearing from Penn State, Miami, Florida, Ohio State, Alabama, Auburn, and Louisville the most.”

So, when it’s all set and done, what do the Canes have to do to land his commitment?

“They’re definitely a school I’m considering, obviously even before I got the offer. They’re always gonna be a school I keep my eye on,” Richards said. “As long as they keep doing what they’re doing, they’ll be one of my top schools at the end of the day.”


Comments (40)

Do we really have to follow this kids recruitment? to me hes been a cane

Fuq it I'll read it cuz I like u stef
They need to recruit him on offense. I feel like the only reason he has not committed is because we want him on defense.
They need to recruit him on offense. I feel like the only reason he has not committed is because we want him on defense.
I would put the best players on defense to win big........imagine if they let Sean be a rb. He may have been great but on D he was so imposing u had to know where he was. I think alot of great players should just roll on defense unless they prefer offense, if this kid prefers it im sure the staff will give him that chance.....u say what u have to just to get the ink on paper then sort it out afterward. @Stefan Adams u know Im right bruh this kid is a Cane hes in the bag.
Do we really have to follow this kids recruitment? to me hes been a cane

Fuq it I'll read it cuz I like u stef
I don't think it's 100% that he's a Cane if you read between lines of what he's saying. He's looking for the best fit for his skills. If he really want to play offense, we don't really have room for him since we are loaded at WR and RB. It doesn't seem as though he's one of the top 2 RBs or WRs on the board.

Hope he becomes a Cane. We'll see how his recruitment plays out.
Sounds like he understands what Miami is about and is familiar with how they operate, but seems like he wants to be sure he isn't missing an opportunity he feels suits him. I would say Cane lean, but certainly far from a lock.
I hope you're right D. I get a little bit of a vibe just reading his comments that he's just saying the right things, but might want to not follow in his bro's footsteps or something like that.
Definitely doesnt sound like his mind is made up to come here. Really hope he is just playing the game but deep down knows he wants to go to UM. Too bad he doesnt seem to care too much about the possibility (although its small if AR has a big year) to play with his brother.
I would put the best players on defense to win big........imagine if they let Sean be a rb. He may have been great but on D he was so imposing u had to know where he was. I think alot of great players should just roll on defense unless they prefer offense, if this kid prefers it im sure the staff will give him that chance.....u say what u have to just to get the ink on paper then sort it out afterward. @Stefan Adams u know Im right bruh this kid is a Cane hes in the bag.

I've noticed that I have a tendency to want these dynamic sorts on defense. I think it's because my background is as a defensive player, so when I see how a special type of player/athleticism can translate to defense, I'm a sucker for it. I wanted Deejay Dallas on defense, but I'm thrilled with his growing role on the offense (still think he could've been the ballhawking centerfielder at safety that we want).

But, yeah I love Richards at safety. I've said on here that he has my favorite safety tape of any recruit I've seen this cycle.

There's just something special about getting playmaking defenders. It's often those guys who can be offensive or defensive players that end up getting a hold of the football and getting in the endzone when they're on defense.
Can't lose a kid like this, we've been losing too dang many. I don't care where he wants to play, bring him in.