Coach Cristobal recaps Thursday practice: “Something clicked today” with TreVonte’ Citizen’s confidence

7 min read

Miami is eight practices in, and some trends are starting to take shape. Coach Cristobal met with the media after Thursday’s practice to provide the latest on the team’s progress:

On the structure of practice: Even though [we wore] shells today, it was a normal practice for us. Technique and fundamentals are at a premium. Situational football, just playing extended drives, putting us in difficult situations and working all our special teams phases were part of practice today, as well as all the technical and physical work that goes with block destruction, the line of scrimmage, the front seven, the O-line, and the tight ends.

On Jacolby George’s personal foul penalties in the bowl game: It's not part of the DNA of the program. It's not what we want to be as a program. You also have to stop for a second and think, “Well, it's your job to find a way to get it right until you can't get it wrong.” We've invested a lot in him. There's been a lot of growth and development. It’s time for that to show as a teammate, as a guy who's completely committed to being the best he can be to help the team win.

I believe we're heading in the right direction. I think he knows that. I think this is going to end really well with him. That's the path we have chosen to take.

On the progress from Year 1 in spring: It’s very different. There's been a pretty massive roster overhaul, and an implementation of a culture, a regiment, and structure. It’s one that we really believe in and that we've had tremendous success at every spot that we've been at. It’s one that has been making steady progress for about 23, 24 months now, actually a little bit more.

This spring, we've gotten off to a really, really good start. You see it in the intangibles as much as anything else. Taking care of your business in the classroom, making sure that you're holding your teammates accountable to be early to everything, understand the playbook, and not only what to do, but how to do it, and doing it at a certain level of intensity, of effort. All those things are coming together. A lot of it is sparked by competition. Competition a lot of times fixes a lot of things.

On players standing out with pads on: One thing we talked about today is playing time doesn't discriminate. Cam Pruitt has shown early that he's a very physically gifted guy that can flat out get after it, understands football really well, concepts. Zaquan Patterson really stands out as a young guy that he just gets it. He's played for a long time at a high level. He's doing really well. Elija Lofton, he's a big guy, 250+ pounds. Fits right in.

There's a lot of guys that are doing really, really well, which has made practice good because of the competition. JoJo [Trader] really stands out. Jacolby George has had a really good, really good spring. I would say Isaiah Horton really stands out as a guy that has come along. Zach Carpenter. [Anez Cooper] keeps getting better and better. [Matt] McCoy. We've had some guys step up and roll.

Wesley Bissainthe’s had a really big spring. Really excited about his progress because now he's weighing 228, 230 pounds. He's running like he did when he was 170. He understands and he's playing like he understands. So there's a good amount of guys. I probably missed a few. They'll get sensitive. I'll handle them later.

On Cam Ward: He's tough. He's physical. He's a relentless competitor. He's everything you want in an offensive lineman and a linebacker. Except he's really super talented. He doesn't take it for granted. He's very humble, yet competitive. He is not afraid to take a stand as a leader in terms of accountability, holding himself accountable, holding his teammates accountable, which is critically important as a quarterback.

You want that guy to be a total alpha dog, and he is. He's in a room with alphas, and that's contagious. So far, the part that really stands out for him is all those things combined, plus he's really hungry. If you get to the building, whatever time you get in, he'll be the first one here.

On TreVonte’ Citizen: Something clicked today. We've been seeing a guy that's been a little bit tentative, and then kind of a flash. But today, there was a legitimate guy running behind his pads, running at 230. Accelerating, running through contact, running his feet through contact, catching the ball really well out of the backfield. Today was his best day. Today is something that really gives us hope that he can return to form.

On Zion Nelson: It's been a wait and see. I know he's really frustrated. We all feel for him, always in our prayers and thoughts, and just hoping he gets better. I know he's trying, but that'll be up to him and his medical situation, whether it can happen or not.

On Elija Lofton’s versatility: You wish you had a bunch of them. I personally think if he was a linebacker, he'd go over there right now and give everybody a run for their money. That's how much faith we have in him as a freshman. He comes from Bishop Gorman, where there’s very high standards, like a lot of the program guys that are here.

He’s just exceeded expectations. And we've thrown a lot at him. A lot. I’m pretty fired up about the guy. We talked a lot about Rueben Bain last year and Francis [Mauigoa], and when you start talking about Elija, you feel a little bit the same way.

On the young LBs: Popo's had a great spring. Popo's been really physical, played downhill, knows the system really well, has natural leadership qualities. Adarius Hayes has had a great spring so far. Pulliam has flashed. Kaleb Spencer, we've kind of bounced him around back and forth at the boundary safety position and at linebacker. Chase Smith, he's been exceptional on special teams. We've been moving him inside and outside. So there's been some good competition there.

On the Portal: You're always on the hunt and you have to be at every single position. We need to be, and we're going to be, very, very aggressive. When the guys have a chance to meet some of our players and watch some of them, I think they’ll want to play with some of these guys. So hopefully it'll be a good Portal season for us.

On new headset communication: It's been good. Just be careful what you say last. Because that's what's going to happen. So we've been working it since day one, even while we were waiting for the technology to get here.

Our coordinators, they've gotten really used to it. The iPad technology is something we've dabbled in but more extensively. Using it to our advantage, and certainly preparing for opponents to use it to their advantage, too, are critically important to our preparation now.

We'll find holes. You'll see things that tell. You always look for tells on tape. The slightest adjustment, alignment, physical disposition, leverage can lead to a different call, can lead to player awareness as it relates to a call. There's a lot of teaching that goes with it.

At the same time, you’ve got to be careful to not over-inundate your guys with information. We talk a lot to the NFL guys and how they use it. It's also about the pros and cons. Having Kenny Dorsey here yesterday was huge. He spoke at our clinic and he really, he went in depth about what he likes about it, what he doesn't, what he would do and what he wouldn't do with it. For us, it was very educational.

Comments (88)

Great stuff overall, but some really eye-opening comments on Elija Lofton.
Yeah I picked up on that i. I get it Spring is a time to pump up some of the newcomers. Not really a need to constantly talk about X or someone where we know what we have. Part of me thought Lofton was being praised as simply the best of the freshman but to compare him to Bain and Francis is pretty telling. Both of them were very integral pieces of the team last year as TF and got TONS of playing time. Really interested to see how they use Lofton because he seemingly had two guys in Riley and Arroyo ahead of him that would cut into his snaps even though he is not the same mold as them so I wonder how they plan on getting him production.
Can you explain the new headset communication? What's that about?
I could be wrong but I believe it’s similar to the one used in the NFL. Basically allowing one player on offense and one on defense to communicate with the coaching staff via wireless technology, in turn eliminating signals from the sideline that could be stolen by opposing teams.

Aka Michigan scandal.
Yeah I picked up on that i. I get it Spring is a time to pump up some of the newcomers. Not really a need to constantly talk about X or someone where we know what we have. Part of me thought Lofton was being praised as simply the best of the freshman but to compare him to Bain and Francis is pretty telling. Both of them were very integral pieces of the team last year as TF and got TONS of playing time. Really interested to see how they use Lofton because he seemingly had two guys in Riley and Arroyo ahead of him that would cut into his snaps even though he is not the same mold as them so I wonder how they plan on getting him production.
Lift will be Hback. And full back. 3 rd down back. Catching out of the back field.
WR3 and LB seem to be the biggest competition areas as of this moment.

Kiffin getting this praise is a great thing specifically because it hopefully mean we don’t have to see Cam playing more than a handful of snaps per game. With Arroyo healthy, Riley Williams a top talent with a yr more development, and Loftin a guy that can contribute immediately, TE is in a better spot than I was fearing heading into spring.

Lb competition seems maybe Bissainthe is potentially putting it together… based on his performance last season I’m not very confident in him. He didn’t show anything positive diagnosing plays imo. Will be interesting to see who wins the 3rd spot.

I’m pretty convinced we are bringing in a starting Portal RB and Safety.

DT is the position I’m hoping to hear more positives from