CanesInSight Live 9:15 EST - Highsmith to Patriots and Addae to Bills

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
1 min read
See you all tonight.


Comments (28)

******* Dolphins.
Can't they just be disappointing trash without adding to the collective disappointment of UM fans (many of whom are fans of the dolfinas).
I mean Taylor is gonna get picked up by someone soon (Not saying right now but within a year or two I believe)... Unless Guidry bails and they promote JT to DC... I wouldn't mind him going to the Fins ... I mean I sure don't wanna see JT end up with the Jets...
I mean Taylor is gonna get picked up by someone soon (Not saying right now but within a year or two I believe)... Unless Guidry bails and they promote JT to DC... I wouldn't mind him going to the Fins ... I mean I sure don't wanna see JT end up with the Jets...

Would not be the first time JT went from Miami to NYC.
I mean Taylor is gonna get picked up by someone soon (Not saying right now but within a year or two I believe)... Unless Guidry bails and they promote JT to DC... I wouldn't mind him going to the Fins ... I mean I sure don't wanna see JT end up with the Jets...
The Jets are a truly despicable fanbase. Bad people.
I hear you, brother. If he must go, better that he goes to the Fins. But, ****... I'd rather have him at this U! Even if it is for just one more season, lol.
I'm just gonna assume that when a guy has that much success at the pro level it's a mission to get back to the show in a active capacity.... We see the progression generation after generation of former players who do it so why would JT be any different??
The dude is showing he's the real deal so more power to him in making it back to the League...
As long as JT doesn’t go to another college team, particularly one of the blue bloods - I’m okay with any NFL team - would love for him to be brought onboard with the Cowboys
Jason Taylor 1,000% wants to Coach in the NFL, it's only a matter of time before he's gone.
Would be disappointing for us when it eventually happens but you can't fault a guy for chasing his dream. I think we've seen that MC has some names in his pocket at all times so I'm sure he would find somebody great to replace JT when he eventually goes. Same for Big Joe.

Don't have a great feeling about this Chevis Jackson noise after @Ghandi's post but hopefully that's just the early name and we will hear others over time.
I know people like DVD... and why not... but I think Mario looks at these coach departures as opportunities to upgrade. DVD is not an upgrade. The league doesn't even know he exists.