Canes Recruiting Video Countdown # 1- DJ Williams

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Comments (21)

DJ Williams was the best player on the best HS team in the country. He could have played D1 RB as well.
DJ Williams was the best player on the best HS team in the country.

so was Jacory Harris. I'd have Johnson, Portis, Taylor, Willie Williams and Hester videos all above him.

Ok I am sorry let me rephrase

DJ Williams was the best defensive player in the country and played on the best team in the country. He was defensive player of the year and scored a crazy amount of touchdowns. I don't think De La Salle lost a football game for 10 years.
DJ Williams was the best player on the best HS team in the country.

so was Jacory Harris
. I'd have Johnson, Portis, Taylor, Willie Williams and Hester videos all above him.

I don't think this is a true statement, because Forston, Aldarius, Ben Jones, Washington and Streeter were all ranked higher and played on that team.
Dude was a monster, would be interested to see how he would've made out as a RB in college.
He played FB his freshman year at the U. I remember getting the USA today and it had the high school All Americans and he was the Defensive player of the year and Brock Berlin was the offensive.
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Sick video!

D$ do you have a Willis McGahee video? I have friends asking if you do. We're all interested to see that one.
Absolutely ridiculous video. For a kid that size to move with such agility and speed is incredible. And ultimately putting him in at LB was the best move for everyone involved. It took some time, but the Canes got a great LB, and DJ made out with first-round money. Win-win.
LBs have a much longer shelf life than RBs also

Absolutely ridiculous video. For a kid that size to move with such agility and speed is incredible. And ultimately putting him in at LB was the best move for everyone involved. It took some time, but the Canes got a great LB, and DJ made out with first-round money. Win-win.
Probably shouldn't have challenged Jimmy Graham to a foot race.