Caleb Johnson commits to Miami

Comments (251)

You still are lol those guys are DBs. Now if it was a legit tweener playing there like a finley that point would be valid but these guys like frierson, blades, and couch are pure DBs. And this base is a 4-2-5 Steele can stop all that 4-3 stuff. He is putting 5 DBs on the field just like he did at auburn
This is probably the dumbest most misinformed post I have read on this forum. I’ll never get back these 5 minutes I lost.
You know that scene was improv...

And the reason why Hank Azaria reacts the way he does is because he had no idea that Pachino was going to say that, it wasn’t in the script at all lol
When actors can bounce off each other and improvise it’s a beautiful thing to watch.
DT me and another lb and I’d feel pretty **** good about the d going into the season

Get me another LB and a 1T DT and I’m good. I’m greedy so I’d like another OT, but I’ll take 2 of 3 and be **** grateful.
This is probably the dumbest most misinformed post I have read on this forum. I’ll never get back these 5 minutes I lost.
If Gil plays the first two downs and blades were to sub in, would people still call Gil a dB? Lol

Nothing annoys me more than people pretending to know football. He’s the ******* Sam backer who just happens to never be in the box because of offensive personnel. Sam/star/spur/striker it’s the same ******* alignment in structure.
Frierson isn’t a LB let him keep playing what he has been playing

I see what you're saying and why. Gil was a great nickel who could cover and tackle.

But Gil hasgained 5-10 pounds and right now he may be bigger than Wesley Bissainthe ever will be. Gil also showed some pretty impressive ruggedness in the spring game. He stacked Zion and tackled Thad for a 1 yard gain by himself, for example.

And wasn't Gil wasn't our most impressive linebacker in the spring game?

Stevenson & Couch should be great nickels. But I think GIl will be better utilized as a backer all things considered.
How many spots do we have for 22 class? We have 24 commits right now
One of my top 10 favorite movies of All-time!

The greatest & most realistic shootout scene in a movie, Michael Mann was a great director.
Michael Mann been that guy since Miami Vice. Great great movie, saw it the day it hit theaters.

They were actually reloading, running out of ammo, the bags of money got heavy, dudes were hurt despite wearing vests, and he showed that guns get heavy too. All real life ****.

Only way to improve the movie is to have Deniro smoke Pacino instead.