Berrios previews Miami official visit

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
5 min read
Braxton Berrios has become a very popular individual in the Twitterverse. With almost 8,000 followers on his account (@HNYNUT_BERRIOS), Braxton deals with fans from multiple schools urging him to attend the program of their choice. The speedy slot receiver discussed what these messages mean to him.

“It’s definitely different. It’s cool in a way and then it can get old and annoying. I know it’s only going to happen once though so I try to take a step back because I don’t want to take it for granted. Some of them make you think, but I try to take it as what it is and not think to much about it,” said Berrios.

Berrios has amassed 271 rushing yards, 7 total touchdowns, and 2 interceptions on defense in his first two games of the season. Because of his team’s dominance, he hasn’t been needed to play the entire game.

“Sometimes it happens. If I’m sitting out in the second half, we’re winning big. That means we’re doing well as a team and really getting other players ready to play. You go into games wanting to play the entire game because I love football, but if we go into the second half of the state championship game and I’m not playing, that means we’re winning which is what matters.”

Berrios made his first official visit to Oregon this past weekend. The Ducks are a program that recently offered Braxton.

“It was good. It was my first time being out there at the university and it was different just being out there with the landscape and all that. I don’t know, it’s just a culture shock anytime you go from east coast to west coast, but I liked different things. Everyone knows the football facilities speak for themselves so it was cool being able to walk through it and not just seeing it in a video. It was a great visit and great to see what it would be like to go there. It gave me some things to think about, not necessarily good or bad.”

The versatile athlete was down in Miami for a camp in June, so what is he looking forward to seeing this time around?

“The new football facility is finally done so that will be cool to see. Being able to walk through campus and see everybody will be nice because I’m getting down there Friday morning. Seeing a game will be awesome. I never got to see a game in the Orange Bowl or a home game, especially in their stadium now so that will be a new experience. I can’t wait.”

After Berrios camped at Miami, there was a timeframe of uncertainty about whether or not the ‘Canes would offer. He has been reassured that the coaching staff truly wants him in a Miami uniform.

“The relationship never really left. I understand things can happen. I’m not naïve to that fact, but I don’t know exactly what went on. That’s something the staff could answer, but to be completely honest I don’t care. If they didn’t want me, they wouldn’t have offered me a scholarship and I know they really want me down there. I could really care less what happened, and yes, there was that little awkward period where I didn’t really know what was going on, but I got the offer at the end of the day. It’s like getting the girl. You don’t really care how you got her; all that matters is that you got her. Getting the offer meant so much to me and I would honestly say that I talk with at least one of the coaches down there every day and it’s back on track and better than it ever has been.”

Miami QB commit Brad Kaaya has been a big component in Berrios’ recruitment to Miami.

“We talk about once a week about how are seasons are going, what are we thinking, and this and that. That’s somebody that if I end up coming to Miami he will be one of my best friends down there. I really like him a lot.”

Oregon runs their up-tempo spread offense, while Miami is more of a pro-style spread. How will these differences affect his choice?

“They both have their advantages and disadvantages and that’s something I have to consider, but at the end of the day they both would give me the ball and would give it to me advantageously to me. I’ve talked to Miami coaches and understand what they’re trying to do and same with Oregon. They both just want to get the ball in playmaker’s hands and how you do that is not too much of a concern. Miami is a pro-spread and they run an NFL-based offense moreso than Oregon. They are both great offenses and neither one makes me want to shy away.”

Berrios is still on track for an early decision, as he will be enrolling in January.

“My last visit no matter what happens will be to Tennessee on October 5th and I’ll either commit the next week after that or the week after that if I feel like I still need to think about it, but that’s more like the deadline for it.”

**Berrios has a visit scheduled to South Carolina after this week’s Miami visit.

Comments (45)

FWIW, he did not mention Ohio State and does not have a visit scheduled there. I didn't get the sense that he's willing to make the move all the way to Oregon either. Miami in good shape.
"I could really care less what happened, and yes, there was that little awkward period where I didn’t really know what was going on, but I got the offer at the end of the day. It’s like getting the girl. You don’t really care how you got her; all that matters is that you got her. Getting the offer meant so much to me and I would honestly say that I talk with at least one of the coaches down there every day and it’s back on track and better than it ever has been.”"

He just gets it.
Cery smart and enthusiastic kid. From as hard as the coaches and some of the commits are going at him, plus staying close to home I just can't see him saying no to UM
"I could really care less what happened, and yes, there was that little awkward period where I didn’t really know what was going on, but I got the offer at the end of the day. It’s like getting the girl. You don’t really care how you got her; all that matters is that you got her. Getting the offer meant so much to me and I would honestly say that I talk with at least one of the coaches down there every day and it’s back on track and better than it ever has been.”"

He just gets it.

I hope this ends the talk that the staff doesn't want him that much
Honestly the only team I worry about is South Carolina. Because its close to home and they like players like him in their offense.
great interview Pete! Sounds like the kid knows what he's looking for in a school & know's schematically what's best for him. The relationship with Kaaya can't be understated..looking forward to his thoughts after being down here this weekend for his OV, let's get a followup Pete!?
Hope we land him, especially with how WR is starting to get a little thin. Good luck to wherever the kid chooses but, I hope it's at the U where his heart lies.
Any reason he is playing RB and not WR for his HS team?
Honestly the only team I worry about is South Carolina. Because its close to home and they like players like him in their offense.

Well with that reasoning Tennessee would be just as close, and they would love players like him in their offense too. Seems that we have a good lead, family locally, and Kaaya in his ear. Hope we pull him friday morning the 18th after we beat UNC with him in the stands.
I think if we beat UF and he sees the stadium jumping, silent commit.
Kids gets it.

Seems like he wants to commit, but he is just doing his diligence. Oregon didn't captivate him it sounds like. He wants to be a Cane and always has.

Almost feels like a silent. HBK, Honey Nut, and AG had a conference call already letting AG know what the deal is.

I think........
Someone should bring him to BTW vs. Central to watch his future teammates play because this kid is all cane
FWIW, he did not mention Ohio State and does not have a visit scheduled there. I didn't get the sense that he's willing to make the move all the way to Oregon either. Miami in good shape.

Sounds like all the talk about Oregon being tied with UM is similar to choosing between two chicks one is 9 with her designer clothes an blah blah, but she has a weird vegan personality (Oregon) an isn't that smart, then you have (UM) a 7 type chick that has a "grande Culito Dulce" (I am taking about a 5'8" woman with 40-30-50 measurements) that is a huge sports nut, very intelligent and self-confident with who she is and what she has, cooks great food (all types soul, Latin, Caribbean, Italian, and southern), and has a seriously freaky side that is down for whatever.

So given the choice between the 9 and the butta-face 7 (with killer reggaeton moves) whom would you chose to marry?

If I am Berrios I am picking that Carne Dulce 7 everytime and twice on saturday.

Go Canes!
The fans here really got behind Braxton to help get him offer and will be very dissappointed if he goes elsewhere. But if he wants a future as a felon, I suppose he should go for training with Urban. If he wants to run through the fog under dreary skies, and forever "I'm a duck" while joining his fellow 20 or so ducks in the NFL, then he should go to Oregon. If, however, he wants to run through THE SMOKE under the sunshine or bright lights, join 40 or 50 other Canes in NFL and dozen or so in each Pro Bowl and the 3 to 6 in every Super Bowl, smile on the TV and proclaim "Braxton Berrios, THE U"; well there is only one place where all that can happen. It only happens at THE [[__]]. Simple choice, Braxton, come to THE U and be a CANE, or go wherever and forever be just another football player.