Berrios comments AQM & Grace dismissal

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
2 min read

Miami junior receiver Braxton Berrios commented on the Saturday's dismissal of Al-quadin Muhammad and Jermaine Grace from the football program.

“It sucks. It does, it sucks. There’s no way around that. It’s not like anybody saw this coming – it’s not like anybody thought it would happen, wanted it to happen, I mean, it sucks. The worst part about it is we can’t do anything about it now. All we can do is band together and make sure nobody else makes any mistakes. We try to keep each other out of it from the get-go, and we understand we are under a microscope with everything we do – especially being under NCAA probation still. We’re almost done with it, but we understand those things so we try to stay away from it. At the end of the day, right now all we can do is come together and we’ve got to move forward.”

When Berrios was asked how he thought the defense would respond without two of the veterans in AQM and Grace, he showed steadfast confidence in that side of the ball.

“They’re gonna be fine. We have all the faith in the world in our defensive coaches, and they’ve adjusted before and they’ll adjust again. I don’t know what they’ll do – I’m not in those meeting rooms and we don’t really go against them too much now, but I have all the faith in the world in them. It’s a blow, obviously. Nobody can sit here and tell you it’s not, but it’s something we have to deal with and we have to play with.”

Comments (46)

That's pretty much how all of us feel.
I'm feeling his tone in those comments is that UM doesn't have the players' backs.
Rooting hard for Berrios. He seems like a good kid.
"Not like anybody saw this coming"????? Hello?? Guys were riding around campus in Lamborgini's for God's sake...what did Berrios et al think was going to happen??
"Not like anybody saw this coming"????? Hello?? Guys were riding around campus in Lamborgini's for God's sake...what did Berrios et al think was going to happen??

The thing is I remember seeing awhile back they actually point it on snap chat and social media. hahahah man it was just dumb all around.
At least the players aren't fighting with the coaches. I can't imagine the catastrophe the locker room was after those huge losses. We will see a real team this Saturday.
I don't like the tenor of his comments... Sounds defiant and disrespectful of the administration.

Definitely going to call compliance on him.
There was a huge thread on this board weeks ago talking about Grace's problems. How was everybody in the football program blind sided?
There was a huge thread on this board weeks ago talking about Grace's problems. How was everybody in the football program blind sided?

Because people kept repeating the "1 or 2 game suspension" line like it was gospel and assumed that because they were practicing that it meant they were Gucci.