Article: Snoop Dogg posts video of Adidas uniforms concept

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
1 min read
Snoop Dogg, who is sponsored by Adidas and does a lot of work with them, just posted this video on his Instagram of what looks like a potential new uniform design. Take a look -

Comments (32)

I personally thought it looked slick. Snoop needs to figure out wtf he's trying to say...Miami University..smh lol
Adidas PR Guy tweeted Pete and told him its just a gift for Snoop. Apparently nothing more.
Snoop is no unckle luke.. that dude is a straight up gangster... he can call up army of crips in a minute...
Good thing it's only a concept jersey.. they throw these things out there all the time, like Tennessee last year, they never came close to anything they came out with on their concept jerseys
That better be a ******* concept and never see the light of a playing field. The numbers and the u look like ******* latex
hey we didn't hear anything from the player about this whole Adidas deal im wondering how they feel about the switch?
I will shoot my own **** off if those are even considered. Absolutely awful. If anyone from adidas sees this, please God change it.