Article: Alex Collins Chatter

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
2 min read
In order to cut back on the amount of threads we have on him and all the rumors surrounding him, lets try to keep it in here.

**11/3- meant to post this Friday, but a current Miami commitment told me this in reference to Collins: "He's going to FSU"

**11/4- Just interviewed John Franklin for SFHSSPORTS and this is what he had to say about the situation with Collins: "We haven't talked that much about it actually. Before any of this went down with the offers, we had always talked about wanting to play college ball together. It's definitely something we wanted to do, but at the end of the day, he's doing what's best for him and i'm doing what's best for me."

**11/7- Today's decommitment is not a surprise. Talking to a of Miami commit last week who knows him, he said it was only a matter of time before this happened. Miami is still in the picture, but it will be an uphill battle. It was an uphill battle the second FSU offered Franklin. I tried posting this last week, but I don't think some of you realized how big of a deal it was for these two to play together.

Don't expect a final decision from him until his season at South Plantation is over.

Where does Miami go from here? The pursuit of Derrick Green is on. He fits what they are looking for as far as a power back. The key will be getting him on campus for a visit. If that happens, the Canes have a legitimate chance with him. The staff knows that they would have Daryl Chestnut in the bag as soon as they offer, so my hunch is that they will go after a guy like Green before him due to their running styles. In the worst case scenario, they could offer Chestnut late and he would commit, which is not a bad back-up plan whatsoever. While he doesn't necessarily fill the big back spot, he is the type of player that people will be asking "How did he get away?"

I will be gathering more info throughout the day, but this is what I know for now

Comments (422)

If this were over some nice trim i'd at least try to understand. FOOL
Oh and he needs to decommit ASAP, IF this is the case.
Guy on CS is saying he is Nole silent. Why he needs to be a Nole silent but publicly committed to Miami, idk. TIFWIW but the rumblings say he is leaning that way.
Guy on CS is saying he is Nole silent. Why he needs to be a Nole silent but publicly committed to Miami, idk. TIFWIW but the rumblings say he is leaning that way.

That's stupid as ****. If this is the really the case I hope that someone on the staff "leaks" that he's not on their radar.
It's really tough to get a read on this situation. About a week ago, the coaches still didn't have a definitive answer from Collins, but were cautiously optimistic he was sticking. Then this whole Franklin thing came into the equation, which really complicates things. I know a lot of you guys don't think it has an effect on Collins, but these two are really close. Miami would probably be the better choice for him as far as carries go, but I can tell you that he is not afraid of competition AT ALL, which is great, but that kind of hurts Miami because that is the thing on their side even though he doesn't see it that way. He feels like he can beat anybody out.
That is what I thought. It was not a coincident that fsu offered his best buddy all of a sudden. It is very clear he told them "if you offer my best friend, I am in".
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Pete trollin super-hard.

I ain't trolling anybody. Just passing along what I know.

This is the beautiful thing about recruiting though, it changes so much. For all we know, he could come out tomorrow and say he's sticking with his commitment. Who knows with these kids?
Pete trollin super-hard.

I ain't trolling anybody. Just passing along what I know.

This is the beautiful thing about recruiting though, it changes so much. For all we know, he could come out tomorrow and say he's sticking with his commitment. Who knows with these kids?

Stay young, Pete. I'll switch with ya.
Oh well, if that's the case, have fun being the next Antone Smith, Lorenzo Booker, and Leon Washington in the NFL. Warrick Dunn you say? That was 10 years ago.
What would Nick O'leary do now? Knowing that FSU really doesn't produce RBs or TEs for whatever reason.
its all good were stocking up on talent all over the field and its gonna be better than fsu"s talent we already looked better than them with fresh and sophs
should have had a clue when he was "close to making a decision." If he were staying , there would be no need for a decision.
**** all this. He's not an EE right? This **** will keep changing up til signind day. Lets just see where he's at mid January. Kid is probably enjoying the game right now.
I got my "Alex Collins is a traitor" post ready
Golden prides himself on preparation. What's the backup plan? Chestnut? The kid from MNW.?

This one would hurt significantly more than a flesh wound. His highlights are insane. He's a workhorse and an every down back. Best vision and cutback ability since Frank Gore. Give him a crease and he will find it.

Been following this recruiting game for a long time...too much chatter...reminds me of Northup last year...committed my ****.

Where's the Vasoline...time to prepare thy ****!

****..I hate the farking Semenholes.