Article: 2025 DL Jarquez Carter goes in-depth on Miami and recruitment

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
6 min read

Newberry, Florida DL prospect Jarquez Carter recently visited the University of Miami and shared his overall impression of the visit on the CanesInSight podcast.

Carter described the visit as great and mentioned that he had a good time talking with Coach Jason Taylor. He highlights the connection he made with Coach Taylor and mentions that they watched film together as a group. Carter expressed his excitement about learning from an NFL Hall of Famer and mentions that Taylor taught him the long arm move that made him famous. He said he maintains regular communication with Coach Joe Salav’ea, one of the coaches he talks to almost every week.

Carter shares that initially, people doubted him because he is from a small school in Newberry. However, by bringing attention to his school and city through his recruitment, he feels proud and motivated to prove everyone wrong. He believes that his school can win a state championship next year, which would be a significant achievement for both himself and his city.

Mario Cristobal also recently visited his school, where Carter had the opportunity to see a helicopter land on campus. This momentous occasion not only made Carter feel important and valued by the staff, but it also brought excitement and pride to the entire school community.

He expresses his belief that he was underrated during his early high school career, but now he is finally receiving the attention he deserves. Carter has recently received offers from programs such as Washington and Georgia.

As a defensive lineman, Carter demonstrates versatility on the field. His HS coach allows him to play different positions, depending on the situation. Carter's ability to rush from the outside draws attention from the running back, which creates opportunities for his teammates to make plays. He describes himself as a team player who is willing to do whatever it takes for his team to win and be successful.

In addition to football, Carter also plays basketball. Carter describes himself as a big man, comparing himself to Dennis Rodman, known for his defensive prowess and enforcer role on the basketball court. He takes pride in protecting the paint and not allowing opponents to score easily. This defensive mindset and physicality have carried over to his football game, where he aims to dominate in the trenches and prevent opponents from gaining an advantage.

One of the key aspects discussed in the podcast is the impact of Carter's basketball background on his football skills. Carter acknowledges that his explosiveness and twitchiness off the line of scrimmage can be attributed to his experience as a basketball player. He mentions that skills like the hop step and drop step, commonly used in basketball, have translated well into his football game. The explosiveness required in basketball, especially when dunking, has also helped him on the football field.
However, Carter reveals that he is not currently playing basketball and is solely focused on football. This decision reflects his commitment to pursuing his football career and maximizing his potential in the sport.

During his visit to the University of Miami, Carter was impressed by the campus and the opportunities it offered. He appreciated the small class sizes, which would allow for a more personal connection with teachers. The presence of former players who return to help and mentor current players also stood out to him. Carter mentions his cousin, Jerome McDougle, who is a former Miami Hurricanes defensive lineman. McDougle has been supportive and provided guidance to Carter, but ultimately, he emphasizes that the decision of where to attend college is up to him.

The conversation then shifts to Carter's interests outside of football. While Newberry High School, where Carter currently plays, offers classes in farm and agriculture, he expresses a desire to stay involved in football. He plans to study business and finance in college and aspires to become a coach, specifically a position coach or a defensive line coach.

Carter's passion for the game is evident as he envisions a future where he can continue to be immersed in football and pass on his knowledge and experience to younger players.

To excel as a coach, Carter understands the importance of being a student of the game. He emphasizes the need to watch film and analyze the offensive linemen, play calling, and the quarterback's tendencies. By studying these aspects, he can gain leverage and make informed decisions on the field. Carter's dedication to film study showcases his commitment to continuous improvement and his desire to excel in his position.

Carter goes beyond watching his own team's games. He also studies players at a higher level, such as Aaron Donald and Chris Jones, to learn from their techniques and incorporate them into his own game.

In the podcast, Carter's go-to pass rush move is discussed. He explains that his move involves a combination of speed and power, using his first two steps to get his opponent off balance and then using his arm to club their chest. This level of detail in his explanation shows the amount of thought and preparation Carter puts into his game.

Carter explains that this mentality requires mental preparation and the ability to play through pain and physical challenges. He acknowledges that playing on the defensive line is a constant battle and requires a relentless mindset.

Additionally, Carter emphasizes the importance of taking notes on campus culture when considering potential schools for recruitment. He recognizes that the culture of a school plays a significant role in an athlete's overall experience and development. By observing how coaches coach, the type of drills they use, and the way they watch film, Carter gains insight into the coaching style and philosophy of different programs.

Another crucial aspect that Carter considers is nutrition. He recognizes the importance of proper nutrition in maintaining optimal physical health and performance.

Lastly, Carter acknowledges the significance of the overall feeling or culture of a school. He understands that when he steps foot on a campus, he should be able to sense whether it feels like the right fit for him. This intuitive feeling can be a powerful indicator of whether he will thrive and feel a sense of belonging at a particular school. Carter values the opinions of his peers who have emphasized the importance of this feeling and recognizes that it will ultimately play a significant role in his decision-making process.

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