Uncle Luke Jumping back on the bandwagon

Remember the time Luke was going to snitch to the NCAA if we didn't start Ryan Collins?

Campbell, who is a friend to several Hurricanes, including Collins, told the Miami Herald he will reveal damaging information about UM if Collins isn't named the starter. UM is investigating allegations that Campbell paid players for game-day performances, as much as $500 for a touchdown in a 1989 game against Notre Dame.

"If he were white, being from Miami, he'd be God's gift to America," Campbell said. "If they don't start Ryan Collins, the University of Miami will get the death penalty. I will tell all. I will tell everything I know to the NCAA. If he doesn't go out there for the first play versus UCLA, I'll give you all the violations from 1986 to last year. As of now, I don't know anything. I'm stupid. But if Ryan doesn't start, [coach) Butch [Davis) is going to wish he never took that job."

Yeah... **** him.
No way. All hardcore loyal UM fans threaten to rat the program out publicly and get us the death penalty when things don't go their way. I saw The Rock do it yesterday.
Everybody trying to get back on board becayse tgey see whats going on for us and they just want to be apart of it, but when we were down and out couldbt find em thats why idgaf if luke was for or agaibst but it couldnt hurt to have him on Twitter praising us.
He needs to be quiet. He acts like a UM embassador and spews nonsense.

He isnt a good thing for Miami
Dude is bipolar

If he loves the U then deliver us Carlton Davis from Norland.

Is he the DC at Norland
Connected to the streets? That must be a rich problem cuz i grew up in the streets and thank god i dobt have to raise my daughter where i grew up.
He like warren sapp should have their cane card taken for life. We'd be better off if both of those guys cheered for FSU.
Tim ICE Harris has a lot to do with the community being back on the bandwagon I imagine
Some of yall are full of ****. You talk **** about the program, president, ad, coaches etc and it's ok but when luke does it he hates miami.

Golden or the university are allowing him to come around and don't seem to have a problem with him so why do some of you.

The guy helped get artie burns here and will help try to get any local recruit to come to miami first.

Ice talked **** and flat out said he would NEVER help miami get another kid from btw again.

Yall swore he hated miami too and talked **** about him. Now he on the staff you riding his ****.

What's your response to the post right above yours, with Luke's quotes about how he will give information to make sure Miami gets the death penalty if they don't start the QB that he wants them to start. That doesn't sound like a fan, that sounds like someone who thinks the team should be what he wants it to be, and that if he doesn't get his way he'd gladly destroy it.
LULZ at the young bucks who don't understand the term loyalty. You pukes crack me up. It's perfectly fine to criticize coaches. It's not ok to attack the program and make threats against the program when you don't get your way.

Grow up and quit being sycophants because s some dude who used to be famous remembered your name or shook your hand.

Uh, basically this in a nutshell...

And of course....

Soooooooomebody saaaaay heeeeeeeeyyy, we want sooooome.....( y'know the rest)
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He was never off the wagon
My god you are such an apologist for him and the leader of men.

its fine for people to criticize fairly, but they cross the line by a mile and frequently in different ways.
Toooo much drama for football... Let's get back to: your with us or against, point blank. If your with us, support us and follow the rules. If your not with us, GTFOH...