Official Spring PractiSe #11: Thursday, April 6

Shodell has noted that Guidry is all about detail. At one point today he made James Williams redo a drill when he didn't do it perfectly. Lake & Gaby saw him do that with Harris, too..
I love this!!! So many coaches emphasize reps over correct reps! Drives me absolutely crazy. Take the time to perfect the drill and condition the muscle memory before it’s too late
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Looks like our caliber.
Obviously, on the field success needs a major improving. Nevertheless, the amount of recruit & family visits is absurd. Incomparable to any other 21st century ‘Canes regime. Thanks for the updates, Hoya.
Observations from Lake & Gaby:

Kevin Beard added a wrinkle to a WR drill. Threw a pad at the receivers as they were making a catch to simulate contact... The only receiver who seemed to have an issue with a catchable ball was RayRay...

QBs looked sharp. Jacurri seemed to really have a good day. Emory showed off his canon arm today...
From all the talk we have heard about Ray-Ray on the jugs machine, good to know he will attack what his weakness is.