***Official Fire Al Golden Thread***

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And you wonder why guys like Bridgewater don't come here huh? Our fan base is a **** as it gets. You think recruits don't look at this and say they don't wanna come here. You supposed to be the guys cheering for them and they gotta read **** al golden threads

There is nothing wrong with wanting to see some useful results after 4 seasons. Losing is one thing, but the team looked as sloppy and ill-prepared as ever- those have been HALLMARKS of Golden-coached teams any time we face a team with a pulse. Also, if you notice, nobody in this thread is ripping on the players. So chill with the attacks.

We have very good talent, maybe not national title caliber, but Top 25. And Top 25 teams don't get drilled while looking scared and conservative like we did last night. They're simply not being coached up and put in optimal positions to succeed.
I've been in since the VT game last year. Guy should be fired right now, Kiffin style. Get him away from the program before he does any further damage.
And you wonder why guys like Bridgewater don't come here huh? Our fan base is a **** as it gets. You think recruits don't look at this and say they don't wanna come here. You supposed to be the guys cheering for them and they gotta read **** al golden threads

Yep, recruits don't come here because of threads on message boards, not because UM gets blown out against every team with a pulse. Go **** yourself you fake fan piece of ****. PEople like you are the problem. You aren't a Miami fan.
Fans really believe that CIS is the reason we don't get recruits.

Mindblowing how delusional certain people are
I've been in since the VT game last year. Guy should be fired right now, Kiffin style. Get him away from the program before he does any further damage.

this this this. the VT game last year was the real certain sign that F/A/G was DONE. since that game, we have been rotting away with a dead man walking HC.

fire him TODAY
And you wonder why guys like Bridgewater don't come here huh? Our fan base is a **** as it gets. You think recruits don't look at this and say they don't wanna come here. You supposed to be the guys cheering for them and they gotta read **** al golden threads

Yep, recruits don't come here because of threads on message boards, not because UM gets blown out against every team with a pulse. Go **** yourself you fake fan piece of ****. PEople like you are the problem. You aren't a Miami fan.

Fans really believe that CIS is the reason we don't get recruits.

Mindblowing how delusional certain people are

I was a disillusioned slurper last year. The L'ville game broke me last year.

I bought in to some of the Spring/Fall Camp hype. Thought things might be different.

They weren't.

Officially handing in my Sluper Jacket. Where do I get my Mopes Badge?

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And you wonder why guys like Bridgewater don't come here huh? Our fan base is a **** as it gets. You think recruits don't look at this and say they don't wanna come here. You supposed to be the guys cheering for them and they gotta read **** al golden threads

I wish I could reach through this computer and strangle you to death with a cordless telephone you Al Golden slurper.
I tried so hard for so long to be optimistic.. But this ****head is ruining the program. Fire Al Golden, sooner rather than later.
"Thank you all for coming. So I sat down with my family to weigh my options. I will be deciding where I spend the next four years of my life, and this was one of the toughest decisions I've ever had to make. All great schools with great coaches. Ultimately, it came down to two: Miami and FSU. But at the end of the day, I'm a Nole."

Reporter: when did you know it was going to be FSU?
Recruiter: to be honest, the turning point was about a month ago.
Reporter: the Louisville loss?
Recruit: no, no. I was on canesinsight.com and uh, I saw a post by DaCanezManBigDick420 where he called Al Golden a fa-got. That wasn't even the worst part. After that, he said "negged." And that's uh, that's when I knew it would be FSU
Reporter: .......
I love Al for sticking with the program through tough times but he has got to go if we want to become elite again. Last night was the worst I have seen the canes play. The second worse was the game before this to the same team!

Al is just not a great coach and never really has been. He had superior talent at temple but couldn't even win the division in the MAC conference. He is constantly out coached by teams with lesser talent. All you need tot do is ask a Temple fan base how they felt about Golden. They were happy with where he brought them but felt it was a blessing In disguise that he left because he is a poor game day coach.

I honestly feel like I could of designed a better game plan than what they had in place yesterday. That might be a bit of a stretch, but it was that pathetic. No half time adjustments, just the same old crap that has proven it doesn't work. Why not try and spread em out and run it instead of forcing kayaa to do play action drop backs on every throw?! So disgusted with this team right now. Maybe next month the mood will be different but I know I'm not the only one feeling that way after these last couple games. We are regressing.. not getting better.
I love Al for sticking with the program through tough times but he has got to go if we want to become elite again.

I really don't even give a **** anymore that he "stuck" with us during the investigation. He used the investigation as a way to get a massive extension following his first season despite starting that season by losing to 2-10 Maryland and ending by losing to 3-8 Boston College. Those are inexcusable losses; regardless as to if he had "his" players on the roster or not.

I can't say I blame the guy for doing so (who wouldn't take the security), but in my mind, I lost any feelings of remorse for him when he signed long-term. He was locked in and it was time for the team to start improving.

This fat douche bag has used the Cloud excuse to cover up every single one of his shortcomings as a head coach and, until last night, a great deal of UM fans had slurped it all up.
He didn't stick with ****. Where the **** else was he going?

Oh man, thank you so much for making $2 million dollars a year with no other job prospects at the time. What a ******* hero!
Man, I don't want to jump into this boat, but I feel like Al is forcing me in. One foot in.

We should have won last night. The coaches lost this game by themselves.

Did you see how quickly petrino attacked mcord in on the slot receiver? As if McCord had any chance of sinking on that wheel route. Petrino would have hung 55 on us if his qb wasn't green.

That was the worst display of coaching I have witnessed. Al keeps making history as a Miami coach. Jeesh.

So true. These idiots have our best pass rusher (6'3" 250lbs) out there not rushing the passer, but trying to cover super fast slot WR's. Really??
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