How much longer until we declare LT officially a bust?

Bro he's getting drafted. Day 1 or 2. That's not bust materiel. Im glad your not in some NFL board room. Evaluating players your miss on everything including that freaky red head. Choke yourself
Ok I'm done choking myself, David Carradine style. I could use a tissue though. Now what?
Maybe I could take a sperling class to learn how to sperl material?
Ok I'm done choking myself, David Carradine style. I could use a tissue though. Now what?
Maybe I could take a sperling class to learn how to sperl material?
Bro you come on here n try to discredit a top 30 player and expect everybody to follow your lead like your General Patton with your f@ck up takes. Gtfoh. I say again choke yourself
A bust??

There were many that said Manny should have started him Day 1 3 years ago…

He’s fine
I'm still here. LT played well against Clemson. Kudos. He deserves praise for that. I'm also not rooting against the kid just so I can be "right." I'm a Cane fan and alum. I will not sit back quietly while others tell lies to make their feelings ok. "Bust" might be a bit harsh - a bit - but LT has not played up to the 5 star billing. I hope that he continues to improve.
Just take the L and move on.
Bro you come on here n try to discredit a top 30 player and expect everybody to follow your lead like your General Patton with your f@ck up takes. Gtfoh. I say again choke yourself
A top 30 player? Based on what? draft potential?
I didn't expect everybody to follow my lead. Not at all. I expected significant push back and I haven't run away from my comments. I also expected some name calling, threats and general insults. Got all of that. @Cribby conveniently just posted a comment on this thread that was much more in line with my sentiments and probably was worded significantly more eloquently than I ever could have done. Here's the quote:
"Last week is what I expect from him. He played with effort and was on the field 56 plays. Consistency , effort and taking care of his body have all been an issue since he’s arrived."

I think it's the word "bust" that has people flipping out, because I find it real difficult for any somewhat sane fan to disagree with what I quoted above.

Now I will go choke myself again.


Last week is what I expect from him. He played with effort and was on the field 56 plays. Consistency , effort and taking care of his body have all been an issue since he’s arrived.
Thank you for using grown up words to say what I've been trying to. I think the word "bust" is what has people flipping out. Oh well.
Thank you for using grown up words to say what I've been trying to. I think the word "bust" is what has people flipping out. Oh well.
Now i can buy a bit of disappointment by some. But a bust? When LT comes to play he can play his @ss off. That's not a bust. That's called motivation. Lets see how he pans out the rest of the season. We don't need anymore of your analysis or takes. You came out n left field
Sometimes as fans we either overhype or under appreciate players. Also, I’ve said many, MANY times PFF is not a reliable source b/c it’s primarily for the NFL, so their metrics are skewed at the collegiate level.

How often have u said “x” player is a 1st round pick only to see them go 4th or later?

LT56 is not a bust by any means, but he’s for sure not a 1st round talent. At this stage he’s a value pick. He’s inconsistent, which at the next level = bust. He doesn’t pop off the screen. JP15 popped, GR15 popped, Gerald Willis popped, LT56 flashes.

The problem is fans fall in love w/ flashes vs. sustained production. I would assume if LT56 was a 3* prospect vs. a 5* prospect this wouldn’t even be a discussion. It’s the same for James Williams, if imma keep it buck.
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Last week is what I expect from him. He played with effort and was on the field 56 plays. Consistency , effort and taking care of his body have all been an issue since he’s arrived.

Not much has been said about it, so I am glad you did, last week v. Clemson may have produced his best NFL level film. He was playing different.
Not much has been said about it, so I am glad you did, last week v. Clemson may have produced his best NFL level film. He was playing different.

No doubt. LT has definitely disappeared at times, even this year. But I think this post was more about the fact we lost 2 games in a row, and fans were frustrated and looking for someone to blame. He's back on track now, as is the team.
Last week is what I expect from him. He played with effort and was on the field 56 plays. Consistency , effort and taking care of his body have all been an issue since he’s arrived.

He played less than 50% of the snaps vs Clemson. Unacceptable at any position from one of your best players.
Last week is what I expect from him. He played with effort and was on the field 56 plays. Consistency , effort and taking care of his body have all been an issue since he’s arrived.
less of a rotation helps him get into a groove too.