Zach Smith Insight On Martell

You are special. Appreciate your use of every academic sounding SJW adjective and adverb--improperly of course and just wrong--typical "dont blame me for anything snowflake.

You thrive on "look at me". You crave the faux outrage and every perceived slight. Yet you do nothing more than aerobic (possibly anerobic) aspiration--to the detriment of all around you.

Creak, creak, creak, creak.

That's the sound of your oxygen supply, that you so desperately seek, getting cut off.

Muppet, we'll let you know when you say something interesting and actually contribute anything to this board.

Took you 2 hours to come up with that reply....**** shiit #WinterIsComing
You’re a reasonable poster. This is not meant as a criticism, but you are 100% on the Tate train, when it’s clear that it’s a pretty much equal race between three quarterbacks right now. Nothing has changed since the end of spring practice.

So my question is this, there’s a good chance he’s not going to be the starter. Or let’s just say - he has a one in three chance the way things stand right now. What are you going to do if he’s not named the starter?

Could end up being the starter. Also might not ever play a down ... or many downs. Say one of the other guys takes the job and runs with it, and is doing an outstanding job, I doubt they’re going to be putting in a lot of packages for him. Why would they? If one of the other guys has the job by the throat.

So all of that is a possibility. Or none of that is a possibility. Anything and everything is possible at this point.
@Roman Marciante

We know where @Lance Roffers. leans with QB1. What about you two gentlemen? What are your early inclinations 😊...

I am leaning towards Tate. I love his short area quickness and ability to factor in the run game. He performed extremely well in the spring game after a rough start earlier in the spring. Honestly felt that when Enos accentuated his skill set a bit more he shined. I just think early on he was asked to do things (under center) that were a little foreign to him and I don't think Enos is the type of coordinator that will continually ask his qb's to do things they aren't comfortable with. And honestly all these quarterbacks are deserving and have the talent to start. Happy with whoever they decide. But Tate more closely aligns with Manny's moxie in my opinion. Wrap it all up and that is where I am leaning with less than two months until season start.
I am leaning towards Tate. I love his short area quickness and ability to factor in the run game. He performed extremely well in the spring game after a rough start earlier in the spring. Honestly felt that when Enos accentuated his skill set a bit more he shined. I just think early on he was asked to do things (under center) that were a little foreign to him and I don't think Enos is the type of coordinator that will continually ask his qb's to do things they aren't comfortable with. And honestly all these quarterbacks are deserving and have the talent to start. Happy with whoever they decide. But Tate more closely aligns with Manny's moxie in my opinion. Wrap it all up and that is where I am leaning with less than two months until season start.

I agree. They are all deserving. I will support whoever ends up getting the job.

#Respect 🙏...
You can almost write Tate off at this point.

When our writers start anointing’s the kiss of death.

Remember when we were being told that Kosi Da Gaaaawwww was going to be the starter as a true freshmans.

They jinxed him.

Now they’ve done the same for Tate,

It’s the CIS QB jinx.

Tate’s not staring.
You can almost write Tate off at this point.

When our writers start anointing’s the kiss of death.

Remember when we were being told that Kosi Da Gaaaawwww was going to be the starter as a true freshmans.

They jinxed him.

Now they’ve done the same for Tate,

It’s the CIS QB jinx.

Tate’s not staring.

Take ur fckn "L" like a G and stfu. The CIS High Commission has spoken. 8/24.

You can almost write Tate off at this point.

When our writers start anointing’s the kiss of death.

Remember when we were being told that Kosi Da Gaaaawwww was going to be the starter as a true freshmans.

They jinxed him.

Now they’ve done the same for Tate,

It’s the CIS QB jinx.

Tate’s not staring.
I am leaning towards Tate. I love his short area quickness and ability to factor in the run game. He performed extremely well in the spring game after a rough start earlier in the spring. Honestly felt that when Enos accentuated his skill set a bit more he shined. I just think early on he was asked to do things (under center) that were a little foreign to him and I don't think Enos is the type of coordinator that will continually ask his qb's to do things they aren't comfortable with. And honestly all these quarterbacks are deserving and have the talent to start. Happy with whoever they decide. But Tate more closely aligns with Manny's moxie in my opinion. Wrap it all up and that is where I am leaning with less than two months until season start.
Well said.
I am leaning towards Tate. I love his short area quickness and ability to factor in the run game. He performed extremely well in the spring game after a rough start earlier in the spring. Honestly felt that when Enos accentuated his skill set a bit more he shined. I just think early on he was asked to do things (under center) that were a little foreign to him and I don't think Enos is the type of coordinator that will continually ask his qb's to do things they aren't comfortable with. And honestly all these quarterbacks are deserving and have the talent to start. Happy with whoever they decide. But Tate more closely aligns with Manny's moxie in my opinion. Wrap it all up and that is where I am leaning with less than two months until season start.

When do you think QB1 is announced?