You all want a good laugh, read this!

I guess what I found funny is how a program like Iowa made the list. They have like 0 titles other than that "claimed" title in '58. There are no methedology to justify that IMO.
College football has been around for 153 years. Miamis first season was in 1936, a full 65+ years after it crowned a first champion. We weren’t really even a thing until the 80s and we still landed in the top 20. Sometimes we need perspective and reminded of what made this program so unique to begin with
Let's be real. We were great for 20 years (1983-2003). In the 20 years since, we have been trash, and we were irrelevant for 100 years before 1983. While the team is #1 in my heart, and I'm optimistic for the next 10 years, I can't say we're a top 10 or even 15 program in history.
LOL Michigan, no titles since the days of leather helmets and no facemasks aside from half a BS title which would have been no title if they had to play the Nebraska machine that year that Sandusky'd Tennessee

Oh and I almost forgot the obligatory FACK THE OHIO JABRONI STATE FACK THEM TO THE ***
I guess what meant to say earlier is there are about 4-5 teams on that list that make you scratch your head. As far as Miami's position is concerned, I have no problem with it at all.
I guess what meant to say earlier is there are about 4-5 teams on that list that make you scratch your head. As far as Miami's position is concerned, I have no problem with it at all.
… except for the holes and turds being above us; both have done less with more.

I guess recency bias is a *****.
I would rank Oklahoma higher than Ohio State, and would drop Michigan below Notre Dame and USC. But also drop Ohio State below Notre Dame and USC.

This isn’t a ‘what have you done for us lately’ list.
I too sometimes wonder just how good we could have been for 10-20 years running if Butch had stayed. Say what you will about Mario, Dabo, Nick, etc, nobody could top Butch in recruiting and building a team. What could have been….…And Butch regrets it as well.

Recruiting is so different today versus back then. What Butch did wouldn't work today for a plethora of reasons. Even at his last stint he didn't out recruit anyone in his conference. He drove that program off a cliff.
What is funny is the decade of the 80’s/ rankings.

We were 2-0 against Nebraska (both Natty games).
3 titles for us, 0 for NU, yet……
They have Nebraska #1 for the 80’s.
Also, we have a better winning percentage than uF, and, you know….more Rings.

12 days man.
This is better, but it's only last 40 years. And it's just one guys rankings using his own methodology (kinda screws us but still good posts)

Has us as 6th best program of last 40 years in CFB:
“As far as Miami's position is concerned, I have no problem with it at all.”
Oh, I have a serious problem with it. I don’t necessarily have an issue with our overall ranking, but I have a major issue with us being behind FSU and Florida. We have as many NC’s as both of them combined, AND we hold the overall series lead against both of them as well. My list would have us, FSU, and then UF…in that order.