Yearby: 80% chance Cook flips

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Yearby is a Cane and 100 percent committed. Support him and if other guys like Cook come here then show them love. In recruiting fans overrate the players who aren't committed or we don't get and underrate the players and show a lack of support to players we do get....
It's good news but unless it came directly from Cook himself I wouldn't put too much stock into it. It's still not even July yet. Like Yearby said later in the interview, his 12th grade year hasn't even started yet.

This used to be like a dead period for us around this time. Golden has changed that but as badass as he is, even he can't speed up time.
Reminds me of last year when Kief said he was 99.9999999% Cane.....

Is this serious or in jest?

It's obvious with Yearby that he's committed to coach Coley first, and the school Coley is at second. As long as Coley is around, Yearby will be too.
All things being equal, why would any of these guys chose to switch from schools who have fan support to play for a school where fans dont go to the games?

All things aren't equal.

South Beach and bikinis vs Jorts and confederate flags.... easy choice.

Education at a private school with about 20 kids per class, or a public school with about 100 kids per class?

Who would ever say to their family "sorry mom, you can't ever watch me play in person because instead of staying at home to play for the 5 time national champions, I'd rather leave town and play for the school whose biggest selling point is that they play in the same conference as Alabama."

Get real man. UF handed Cook and/or his family a giant wad of cash. Same with Clark, Moten, and Lane.
All things being equal, why would any of these guys chose to switch from schools who have fan support to play for a school where fans dont go to the games?

All things aren't equal.

South Beach and bikinis vs Jorts and confederate flags.... easy choice.

Education at a private school with about 20 kids per class, or a public school with about 100 kids per class?

Who would ever say to their family "sorry mom, you can't ever watch me play in person because instead of staying at home to play for the 5 time national champions, I'd rather leave town and play for the school whose biggest selling point is that they play in the same conference as Alabama."

Get real man. UF handed Cook and/or his family a giant wad of cash. Same with Clark, Moten, and Lane.

If they would just show the leaning UF recruits this comment...