WR Coach Candidates

Feel like most people give the position coaches a little too much credit when it comes to sending kids the the league when the reality is it comes down to the work ethic of the player and the scheme they are in. The coaches do make a difference but I don't think it's to the extreme most think. It's all about talent acquisition get good receivers and you'll be labeled a good coach lol
Let's do a thought exercise.

We'll use two examples using the same theoretical person.

A.) A WR coach that works for a professional football team, the San Diego 58ers is offered a job as a WR coach at his alma mater, the University of South Beach. This would mean making more money; however, it is a risk that could change the current trajectory of his career. The negotiations between said WR coach and the head football coach of the University of South Beach have gone very well. It's time to sign the deal finalizing the change. At the last moment, the WR coach decides he doesn't want to risk it and tells the head coach thanks, but no thanks. He returns to his old job at the same salary, with no bonuses. Everything is the same. He didn't want to take the risk despite weeks-long negotiations.

B.) The exact same situation as above. At the last moment, the head football coach of the San Diego 58ers tells the WR coach, "I will up your salary and throw in multiple bonuses, including other incentives that all but guarantee your trajectory continues to climb." He returns to his old job, making more money, better incentives, and more responsibilities under one of the best coaches in professional football. He tells the head coach of his alma mater thanks coach, but they made me an offer I can't refuse.

Now, which situation is cold feet? Are they both cold feet? Are neither cold feet?

A for sure

B is what is causing all the back & forth

Even searching for definitions, technically could apply to both
Andre The Giant No GIF
Hahahahaha the end of this GIF always kills me
A for sure

B is what is causing all the back & forth

Even searching for definitions, technically could apply to both
I get what you're saying but I disagree. In option B, we are talking about picking between two different deals that are better than the one the person is currently in. Cold feet usually implies maintaining the status quo and risk aversion.

You wouldn't say someone got cold feet because they took the better of two deals. You would just say they took a better deal. A person the doesn't take the deal and stays where they are at without upgrading their situation to avoid risk would be almost the textbook definition of getting cold feet.
I get what you're saying but I disagree. In option B, we are talking about picking between two different deals that are better than the one the person is currently in. Cold feet usually implies maintaining the status quo and risk aversion.

You wouldn't say someone got cold feet because they took the better of two deals. You would just say they took a better deal. A person the doesn't take the deal and stays where they are at without upgrading their situation to avoid risk would be almost the textbook definition of getting cold feet.

I completely get what you're saying too but do we know for sure that Hankerson didn't have any apprehension after SF counter offer?? Even when one gets counter offer, still have to decide on it.
I don’t mean this in an insulting manner. You are either really not experienced in these things or not very intellectually advanced or a total troll. There’s no in between.
Whatever you say man, explain intellectually what you think happened? Why did he all of a sudden decide to stay with the 49ers? Was he not on a NFL upward trajectory before he even decided to interview?
A for sure

B is what is causing all the back & forth

Even searching for definitions, technically could apply to both

Nope. B is NOT "cold feet".

To put it into a different context, assume both jobs are new job offers (neither is the incumbent job), and one job offer simply ups the dollars. Has NOTHING to do with "cold feet", and only has to do with taking the bigger $$$ offer.

What is actually happening in these brain-dead MackBammer posts is that he has turned the simple act of taking the higher money into "cold feet", when it had nothing to do with "doubting" or having "second thoughts" about Miami, it was solely about finally getting paid more at his current job.

But MackBammer won't admit to his misuse of vocabulary.
I get what you're saying but I disagree. In option B, we are talking about picking between two different deals that are better than the one the person is currently in. Cold feet usually implies maintaining the status quo and risk aversion.

You wouldn't say someone got cold feet because they took the better of two deals. You would just say they took a better deal. A person the doesn't take the deal and stays where they are at without upgrading their situation to avoid risk would be almost the textbook definition of getting cold feet.
The official definition of Cold Feet

apprehension or doubt strong enough to prevent a planned course of action.

The 49ers were always going to give him a raise though if another team was trying to lure him. Do you think we wouldn't of matched the money?
You get yourself in all kinds of trouble because of all the assumptions, speculation, and conjecture you spew constantly. NO ONE knows for certain why Hank decided to stay with SF. It’s now water under the bridge and no longer matters.
All I simply said was he got cold feet and decided to stay with the 49ers.
Why did he all of a sudden decide to stay with the 49ers?
Why are you assuming it was all of the sudden? Beard was out contacting recruits while your "sources" were still claiming LH to be a done deal. Maybe you were misinformed the entire process. In fact, I know you were. Hank told me himself you were.
Don’t care about recruiting at a position we’ve struck out on for decades, fine.

But no air raid familiarity or continuity with the OC either?

Besides the fact he was a cane idk how anyone can be that pumped about grabbing a long time stagnant Toledo WR coach.

Struck out on for decades?

All I simply said was he got cold feet and decided to stay with the 49ers.

But he didn't get cold feet. And rather than ADMIT THAT, you just keep whining about "all I simply said was..."

Just admit it. You used an inaccurate term that you don't know how to define, and you were wrong.
But he didn't get cold feet. And rather than ADMIT THAT, you just keep whining about "all I simply said was..."

Just admit it. You used an inaccurate term that you don't know how to define, and you were wrong.
I’m starting to lean towards the view that he’s a troll. He can’t make some good points here and there and then do this.
Let's do a thought exercise.

We'll use two examples using the same theoretical person.

A.) A WR coach that works for a professional football team, the San Diego 58ers is offered a job as a WR coach at his alma mater, the University of South Beach. This would mean making more money; however, it is a risk that could change the current trajectory of his career. The negotiations between said WR coach and the head football coach of the University of South Beach have gone very well. It's time to sign the deal finalizing the change. At the last moment, the WR coach decides he doesn't want to risk it and tells the head coach thanks, but no thanks. He returns to his old job at the same salary, with no bonuses. Everything is the same. He didn't want to take the risk despite weeks-long negotiations.

B.) The exact same situation as above. At the last moment, the head football coach of the San Diego 58ers tells the WR coach, "I will up your salary and throw in multiple bonuses, including other incentives that all but guarantee your trajectory continues to climb." He returns to his old job, making more money, better incentives, and more responsibilities under one of the best coaches in professional football. He tells the head coach of his alma mater thanks coach, but they made me an offer I can't refuse.

Now, which situation is cold feet? Are they both cold feet? Are neither cold feet?
He was always getting more responsibilities and had upward upward trajectory with the 49ers. Do you think the 49ers were just going to let him Walk? Kyle shanahan loves Hankerson and has put him under his wing for two years, he was always going to put up a fight.

The point im trying to make is the 49ers were always going to fight to keep him. Hankerson had an upward trajectory in the NFL before he even decided to interview. That 49ers staff gets picked cleaned every off-season for HCs and Coordinators, that didn't just change all of a sudden. The other variable is money, do you think they offered so much more for Hankerson that we couldn't match? Idk usually the top position coaches in college make more then the NFL.

Is it possible that Hankerson interviewed with the mindset he was going to accept the job if offered and then he got a call from his ol buddy Kyle to make his final sales pitch? That sales pitch could of reminded him about the stability he currently has with the 49ers and how if he stays he will be a OC or HC in no time and to sweeten the deal he will match what the Canes are offering. Hankerson then sits down and realizes it's probably in his best interest to stay with the 49ers after just a day before wanting the Canes job. That's what I view as cold feet, he was planning on doing something and then the last second backed out for whatever reasons.

Regardless both sides of the argument are just opinions, none of us know what truly happened behind closed doors. I'm giving my opinion just like you are giving yours, neither of us have concrete evidence on why he decided to stay.