WR Coach Candidates

Respectfully, you don’t know that. Easy to say “that’s what he wanted” at the end. Beard could have been choice #6, we will never know. Fact is, back in late November when it was a foregone conclusion that Gattis was gone….had there been a poll asking this board how would they feel about Beard replacing him as a WR Coach, it would have been nasty work. But now it’s fine. He has “juice” and was a part of a great comeback 20 years ago so somehow that equates to him being a great hire, 🤷🏾‍♂️.
I can only go by what we were told on here. And that was Mario wanted a Miami guy at that position. So while I don't know all that he interviewed, the two confirmed names were Miami players. Hankerson and Beard. Even if he was 6th, that is still too high for Beard. I'm not making excuses for the hire. It was a terrible one, specifically if Mario wanting a Miami guy is accurate. That is bad process when trying to make a hire.
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I think you're being a bit dramatic. Richt's staff in '17 was pretty much on par with the one we have now and we were in the drivers seat to go to the playoff heading into the final week of the season.
The names don't bother me as much as waiting this long does. Every coach we hired would have said yes Nov. 29th. This 4 month vetting process tells me that we didn't get a lot of guys we wanted initially. If we win 10 games under some miracle and finally avoid getting embarrassed vs Clemson I'll apologize to Mario in person.
I wasn’t including stoutland and you just remade my points on everything else. Richt son wasn’t the problem even tho he didn’t deserve his position. Rumph was only criticized for his recruiting
So Mark Richt was the problem then. He's the HC. He left the position because he didn't want to do the thing a coach has to do. Fire underperforming assistants. A 15-game run during the middle of a 39-game tenure doesn't mean that Richt's time at Miami was a success. He's just much better than the clowns that were hired before and after him.

And Rumph getting **** for recruiting is a big deal when you have no other priors besides being the HC at a south Florida high school that had two future NFL players in the pipeline at CB. When you whiff on those two and continue to it is a black mark.

The last 10-15 years have been a graveyard for former players coming back.
I’m meh on beard, same as I was on most of these offensive hires.

Still concerned with the fact that this seems to be a Mario hire instead of a Dawson hire. I want Mario to hire a OC and gtfo of offensive skill position coaching/ play calling.

Really starting to see the complaints from the Oregon side. It’s not this hire alone, but i am getting concerned that these coaches are all SFL guys instead a cohesive system under the OC
Lol beard and rumph reputation on this board 😂
Maaaan all I know is Beard was big in that Brock comeback vs UF at the OB….let er rip I’m cool w the hire
Negative about Beard: he sided with D’Onofrio in the recruiting video from Raising Canes about the safety who ran a 5:8 40
Yeah, idk if he can ever live that down in the eyes of many, here. Was he agreeing or being a “yes man” (which is not much better, imo. Hopefully he’s grown and learned a thing or 2, about wtf a Miami Hurricane player looks like when he is in high school.
I'll be the one to say it...Recruiting wise i think Kevin Beard has/had Hankerson beat in that department. Hank had the nfl coaching sell but check his all time recruit list since yall posted Beards. He coached at UMASS and Stephen F Austin.

My picKs were Hankerson, Tiquan Underwood with a hair cut or braids , Jamar Johnson UCA, SHORTS (HOUSTON) Calvin Lowry Tulsa, Jeff Scott, Kevin Garver

Beard is cane fam so im cool with it though. The oc's work is more important to landing wrs imo
I'll be the one to say it...Recruiting wise i think Kevin Beard has/had Hankerson beat in that department. Hank had the nfl coaching sell but check his all time recruit list since yall posted Beards. He coached at UMASS and Stephen F Austin.

My picKs were Hankerson, Tiquan Underwood with a hair cut or braids , Jamar Johnson UCA, SHORTS (HOUSTON) Calvin Lowry Tulsa, Jeff Scott, Kevin Garver

Beard is cane fam so im cool with it though. The oc's work is more important to landing wrs imo
Cane fam have not been bright spots. Wish him the best though.
Well…. here we are. I’m not gonna trash Beard. I’m actually happy for him. But I’m gonna say this.... IMO this is a “mid” hire. He’s a good teacher of the position and a solid coach and he's been under the wings of an “air raid” spread coach, for a few years now. The same guy that Mario was allegedly trying to hire as a OC twice. SO I know he's got the inside info on him. IDK how good of a recruiter he is. Is he a “closer” or not? We gotta ride with him, because we have no choice🤷🏾‍♂️. With our resources, I was hoping… no EXPECTING to pull someone from a little higher up on the totem pole. But alas, we’re here. I have no choice but to ride with Mario on this one, and wish for the best…. because at the end of the day, winning on the field, and in living rooms is gonna tell the story. One added advantage with Beard, is that he already knows the contacts in So. Fla. Hopefully that will pay off on the trail. Winning is the best deodorant, and if we can do that, then everything else will work itself out. Go Canes! Welcome home KB.
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