WR Coach Candidates

Why is everyone mopping about Beard? Did anyone with credibility say he was running 2nd behind Hank? Beard does not seem like a Mario hire, no one to point to that he developed and not a stellar recruiter either.
It never fully made sense to me that people were putting Hank in pen. Leaving an NFL gig for a lateral college move, seemed like a long shot regardless of the things we had in our favor.
It never fully made sense to me that people were putting Hank in pen. Leaving an NFL gig for a lateral college move, seemed like a long shot regardless of the things we had in our favor.

Nobody "put it in pen", but it was absolutely not a "long shot". Hank wanted the job (which some people swoooooore was implausible) and Miami wanted Hank. He's been the #1 target for weeks.

I don't think anyone said it would ABSOLUTELY happen, EVEN IF San Francisco offered him a bunch of money and assurances that it would help him become an OC soon.

Now he can afford to move his fam west. Good for Hank. I'll always support the ongoing success of a UM alum.
I'm not disagreeing. I'd merely point out that the recent Hank/Beard interviews have involved Dawson. Thus, I do not think these are shotgun weddings, Dawson has the chance to weigh in on the choice.

And I'm not saying that YOU feel this way, but it's funny to see guys go bat**** crazy over MARIO considering coordinators "with whom he has familiarity", and then advocating for Dawson to hire a coach with whom he has familiarity.

The good old Mope Squad double standard.

I just want good coaching chemistry. Don't care if everyone below Mario is a UM alum or none of them are UM alums. Don't care if they are all old or all young (though I think there are challenges hiring an all-oldtimer staff). Don't care if they are all SoFla or none are from SoFla. I just want them to get along and not be toxic ******** like we had last year.
Yeah. Feel free to post those "done deal" predictions. I'm sure you've saved all the receipts and are not exaggerating AT ALL...
Very slight exaggeration. Inferred a lot. Even by coaches/players. It's also closer to the truth than actually thinking we have people who know WTH Mario is doing.
Lamp be moping!

Idk why y’all pay that weird guy any attention y’all just feeding into his trolls and that’s exactly what he wants…if no one responds to him he’ll leave eventually
No he won't leave until the maudes or Andrew ban him for good. It's absolutely ridiculous.

I'll even sacrifice myself. Ban me for good if it means that ****tit is gone as well. I'm sure me being gone will make most happy as well.
No.. the people with credibility said Hank was a done deal.

No insider was saying it was a done deal only that he was the leading candidate.



Instead of face palming how about providing some insight on why you think Beard would not be a ******* mediocre hire? He's been let go twice, once from Miami, Tennessee, and then been stuck in G5 for five years. You feel confident on him going into those top WR's living rooms and selling Miami against the other big boys in recruiting. He's not known to be great at that either.
No.. the people with credibility said Hank was a done deal.
It probably was close to being a done deal...... until it wasn't. Honestly I don't remember anyone DEFINITELY saying it was a done deal. But a guy that is liked and coveted this much by one of the top NFL HCs, coaching our WRs? Yes he loves his University and all, but one has to seriously ask himself....if he did sign here, how long would we have him before Shanahan would be on the phone throwing another bag at him to get him back?