WR Coach Candidates

Gonna have to take the chopper to every recruit visit because they can’t drive.

Yeah, if we didn't hire Frost, we are not hiring this guy.

And Guidry's third was over 10 years ago.

How does Gaby get sucked into leaking the most unlikely names?

And Williams last DUI was almost 7 years ago. Not exactly an earth shattering difference there.

Frost was never going to be hired because his issues went beyond alcohol. Stories are out there about coeds, partying, and lack of interest in recruiting.
And Williams last DUI was almost 7 years ago. Not exactly an earth shattering difference there.

Frost was never going to be hired because his issues went beyond alcohol. Stories are out there about coeds, partying, and lack of interest in recruiting.

And, again, Williams WENT TO JAIL. We can agree to disagree on the time differential, but HE WENT TO JAIL.

That doesn't happen very frequently for people who are employed with 6-figure salaries. Not because they are "better" than anyone else, but because the courts are generally not interested in ruining anyone's life or career if there are lesser measures that can alter the behavior.

I realize that there can be a million reasons and explanations for things, BUT HE WENT TO JAIL. And I don't care if this guy is the greatest teacher of WRs who has ever walked the earth, you are asking university administrators to sign off on that? At a certain point, you hit the credibility wall on "giving a guy a fifth chance".

Yeah, I'm not putting a lot of stock in "Gaby" and his coaching-search nuggets. If it happens, I'll be surprised. But I don't think it's happening.
And Williams last DUI was almost 7 years ago. Not exactly an earth shattering difference there.

Frost was never going to be hired because his issues went beyond alcohol. Stories are out there about coeds, partying, and lack of interest in recruiting.
How many UM fans have driven under the influence in the past year? Remember .08 BAC is legally impaired. A 90 minute BS session and 4 IPA's at the Titanic will qualify MOST people for UI.
A year? He was suspended for the Citrus Bowl.

WakeyLeaks was not a good look but not many coaches in his position would have turned down the information. Not like he was out there blackmailing anybody for that information. It has been established Elrod reached out to him.

WTF is wrong with you, now you're Captain Save A Hoe for every scumbag coach in college football? Are you the agent for Galloway and Williams? And are you working out a deal to hire both of them at UM?

There's a point of differentiation between the mindless morons on this board who get attached to particular names "because they have an impressive resume" and the more rational approach that says "don't get your hopes up on coaches that have cheated and/or served jail time".

I'm glad that you're not involved in our coaching search.

Oh, but suuuuuure, there are "not many coaches in his position that would have turned down the information". Sure. Try not to apply your low standards of ethics and morality to other people.
How many UM fans have driven under the influence in the past year? Remember .08 BAC is legally impaired. A 90 minute BS session and 4 IPA's at the Titanic will qualify MOST people for UI.

It's not whether anyone has done it once. It's whether people have done it (and been caught) three or more times, when jail time is always an option.
How many UM fans have driven under the influence in the past year? Remember .08 BAC is legally impaired. A 90 minute BS session and 4 IPA's at the Titanic will qualify MOST people for UI.

I was arrested for DUI in Puerto Rico last year while riding a motorcycle. I found out they changed the law for motorcyclist and lowered the BAC from .08 to .02. Luckily I have some connections down there and I walked away from it all with absolutely nothing on my record after spending about 45 minutes in jail. But seriously, .02?!?! ****, you get that just by looking at a beer!
Why would hank leave the NFL as a WR coach to come here as a WR coach? Maybe I'm missing something here but this feels like a lateral move or a downgrade?
I was arrested for DUI in Puerto Rico last year while riding a motorcycle. I found out they changed the law for motorcyclist and lowered the BAC from .08 to .02. Luckily I have some connections down there and I walked away from it all with absolutely nothing on my record after spending about 45 minutes in jail. But seriously, .02?!?! ****, you get that just by looking at a beer!
No excuse to ever get pulled over on a motorcycle lol
Why would hank leave the NFL as a WR coach to come here as a WR coach? Maybe I'm missing something here but this feels like a lateral move or a downgrade?
Do not want, not enough DUI's. lol
Just kidding would love to have him.
WTF is wrong with you, now you're Captain Save A Hoe for every scumbag coach in college football? Are you the agent for Galloway and Williams? And are you working out a deal to hire both of them at UM?

There's a point of differentiation between the mindless morons on this board who get attached to particular names "because they have an impressive resume" and the more rational approach that says "don't get your hopes up on coaches that have cheated and/or served jail time".

I'm glad that you're not involved in our coaching search.

Oh, but suuuuuure, there are "not many coaches in his position that would have turned down the information". Sure. Try not to apply your low standards of ethics and morality to other people.
I’m with you on Williams. That’s a non-starter given his past issues. With Galloway though, what he did is to me no better/worse than what all the college coaches that have dropped bags for players have done. This is not exactly a profession of high moral character filled with coaches who adhere strictly to all the rules that are put in place by the NCAA.