Winston says Publix Employee GAVE him Crablegs

the storm

Banned Under CIS Martial Law until 11/5/20
May 10, 2014
Hello NCAA violation. Free Shoes just keeps getting away with the lies & cover ups don't they? Good luck to the NFL team that gets to deal with him.
He is lying again. Just like he lied on the Draft Academy and Fisch called him out. This guy is just a walking piece of ****.
Who cares who he plays for. It's food and someone gave it to him, just because he's a college athlete he can't take it? F that! Boys should be getting paid with the amount of revenue they're pulling in anyway.
I actually believe this. I think there was a known hook up at Publix for the players. Jameis went to cash that hookup and someone didn't know about the deal. My question is what's the difference between free crab legs/groceries at a supermarket and free steak at Prime 112? Other than cost, is there really difference? Nothing will come of this but it should. Yeah, I bitter. **** em.
This ain't new alot of people speculated that Players had the hook up when it happened. No one just "forgets" to play for a pound of Crab legs.
Who cares who he plays for. It's food and someone gave it to him, just because he's a college athlete he can't take it? F that! Boys should be getting paid with the amount of revenue they're pulling in anyway.

So I as a Publix shopper should pay the extra cost the store runs by giving free food to star football players? Yea right..........Publix should fire the manager if he was helping FSU cheat.
Everyone knows the crab legs were a gift. He was trying to avoid an NCAA violation. Now he's a snitch. Lol
everywhere in every college these kids get free stuff

i was watching the gruden academy and when gruden was calling him out he was so ****ed
This is what I said when I saw the video. He didn't LOOK like he was stealing, at all. It looked WAYYYY more like a hookup. Like I said, I bet the employee that turned him in got a bigger punishment than Winston. I looked, obvious to me, that it was a hookup situation.
I actually believe this. I think there was a known hook up at Publix for the players. Jameis went to cash that hookup and someone didn't know about the deal. My question is what's the difference between free crab legs/groceries at a supermarket and free steak at Prime 112? Other than cost, is there really difference? Nothing will come of this but it should. Yeah, I bitter. **** em.
My buddy worked there at the time and he never said anything about a hookup. He was there at the tome and on security footage. He said that everyone knew Jameis so he probably just was playing off that and probably had did it before. If it was him he would of let him walk out too which most would, he's idolized there like Tebow at UF. The kid supposedly was made fun of and rediculed.
He is lying again. Just like he lied on the Draft Academy and Fisch called him out. This guy is just a walking piece of ****.
I must have missed that. What did Fisch call him out on?

Harbaugh asked him a sample question about any run ins with the police in college and he said just 1 about the the BB gun thing. Then Jim said ok and then Fisch comes back and says you forgot about the Crableg incident and he just said oh that's right like that didn't count. He is a ******* lying sack of **** who continues to think he can get away with whatever. It will come back to kick his *** soon enough .
I imagine the hook up at Pubix added up to a lot more than a package of crab legs over 2 years. I wonder how the people who barely scrape by every week like paying for his indulgences (which is against the rules anyway) as shoplifting, whether by the customer or the employee is just passed on to the consumer anyway.

I actually believe this. I think there was a known hook up at Publix for the players. Jameis went to cash that hookup and someone didn't know about the deal. My question is what's the difference between free crab legs/groceries at a supermarket and free steak at Prime 112? Other than cost, is there really difference? Nothing will come of this but it should. Yeah, I bitter. **** em.
When I was in college I wish I had the hook up like that especially being as broke as I was. In High school a brotha use to get hooked up all the time in McDonald. Use to get extra sandwiches in the bad along with fries.