Will Manny survive the bye week?

They will not fire him until Miami is officially out of the Coastal. And even then, if Miami strings a couple wins together at the end of the season, I bet he sticks.
They will not fire him until Miami is officially out of the Coastal. And even then, if Miami strings a couple wins together at the end of the season, I bet he sticks.
Which games do you honestly see us winning? (Serious Q). At this rate, i honestly don’t see one. And yes, that includes FSU, unfortunately
Seems like the perfect time to get rid of this clown. Use the bye week to regroup and come back strong mentally.
Its a **** reasonable time. Manny sucks on the road, he sucks against Mack Brown and he sucks coming out of bye weeks. It's a recipe for embarrassment. Each game is making Frenk look bad now.

If they wait until after UNC, it could get BAD.
He’s got to go, the sooner the better. The issue is who the **** is the interim HC?
My guess would be Simpson since he's the Assistant Head Coach. Knowing our history, and having suffered untold misery because of it, I doubt UM's administration will let Manny go after a close loss. But they need to re-think the entire athletic department from top to bottom. Manny is just a symptom. They should take their time to get the right people in athletic administration.
Should he get fired? Yes. Will get fired? No. Blake might give him an extension.

Manny’s a dead man walking but probably wait until December to fire him and then go all in on Cristobal if they’re serious about playing competitive P5 football.