Why UGA???


Redshirt Freshman
Jun 15, 2013
I get why we lose our top players to BAMA and OSU but why UGA? Sure they stepped up last year and played well this year. But they just are not “that team”. There defense was very average versus a pedestrian Texas offensive squad. They really don’t have that many superstars on the team. Their leading tackler on defense is LeCounte who dude missed 5000 tackles yesterday. I just don’t see the pull they have (other than RB) over staying home. I hope Tyrique can see he can be great player on a good team that my have reached its ceiling, or be great player on his home squad who has shown signs of reemergence and has lots of upside
I get why we lose our top players to BAMA and OSU but why UGA? Sure they stepped up last year and played well this year. But they just are not “that team”. There defense was very average versus a pedestrian Texas offensive squad. They really don’t have that many superstars on the team. Their leading tackler on defense is LeCounte who dude missed 5000 tackles yesterday. I just don’t see the pull they have (other than RB) over staying home. I hope Tyrique can see he can be great player on a good team that my have reached its ceiling, or be great player on his home squad who has shown signs of reemergence and has lots of upside

I keep telling yall we going nowhere until we build a foundation
He isn't comparing us to them. He is comparing OSU, Bama, Clemson

If he isn’t comparing us to them, why bring up Tyrique?
Dude is clearly saying that its better to stay home on a 7-6 team than going to UGA...

While I agree with the goal, UGA is closer to winning a natty than us...
That BAG, and players who have gone there from down in south Florida telling them to get out of south Florida and they “can put on for 305 or 954” wherever they play not just home. That’s literally their pitch(uga)
You realize UGA was 7 points away from a title last year and 7 points away from another CFP and we went 7-6 this year right?

On top of that perception plays a big part as well. To steal a wrestling term Smart gets the Nick Saban rub. The perception put out there by the media and specifically espn is that Smart is the next Saban and by him taking UGA to the championship in only year 2 and nearly beating Bama 2 years in a row only amplifies that perception.
Bags is obviously a big part, but also Kirby has the easiest ability to negatively recruit Richt. All he has to say is look at what Mork did at UGA and look at how well I cleaned up his mess. Do you really want to play for the guy that couldn't get as far as I did in 2 years in his 15? He was unranked in the AP 2 of his last 3 seasons. I turned that team around and brought us to the OT in the NC. That is what he can tell recruits.

Now before the born again slurpers come storming into my post with "Richt had a better first 3 years than Kirby" No he didn't we already debunked that, but more importantly. No kids care about how well Richt did when they were 1 and 2 years old. They are going to compare Richts last few years at UGA and compare them to Kirbys first few years because that is all that matters NOW. All they see is Kirby turned that schit show around.

Because of this, I think if Manny has a good season next year he can stop the bleeding of So fla kids to UGA.
Bags is obviously a big part, but also Kirby has the easiest ability to negatively recruit Richt. All he has to say is look at what Mork did at UGA and look at how well I cleaned up his mess. Do you really want to play for the guy that couldn't get as far as I did in 2 years in his 15? He was unranked in the AP 2 of his last 3 seasons. I turned that team around and brought us to the OT in the NC. That is what he can tell recruits.

Now before the born again slurpers come storming into my post with "Richt had a better first 3 years than Kirby" No he didn't we already debunked that, but more importantly. No kids care about how well Richt did when they were 1 and 2 years old. They are going to compare Richts last few years at UGA and compare them to Kirbys first few years because that is all that matters NOW. All they see is Kirby turned that schit show around.
Glad they can’t negatively recruit us about richt anymore, they definitely were doing that.

As far as I’m concerned Kirby smart definitely can’t win the big game and chokes a few times every year. In that sense he’s just like recruiting, just a better recruiting version of him
You realize UGA was 7 points away from a title last year and 7 points away from another CFP and we went 7-6 this year right?

Of course. I acknowledged they are a good team. As seen by what transpired over the last week or so, it is easy to see why we fell apart. On PAPER, I believe we have as good a team or better then UGA. I believe with an energized staff and a good offensive scheme, I could see is being a better team . Especially on the defensive side. More fun and exciting as well.
What happens if bags are really made up by SEC fans so players go to those schools expecting to get bags. I mean if Trey Sanders were to read this board he would expect over $200k to sign with UGA since that is what the board says Sony received.
Glad they can’t negatively recruit us about richt anymore, they definitely were doing that.

As far as I’m concerned Kirby smart definitely can’t win the big game and chokes a few times every year. In that sense he’s just like recruiting, just a better recruiting version of him

Straight facts. I agree with everything you said.
Because their whole life they've been seeing this:


and this:


And now they're seeing this:


EDIT: Good grief, this went way over some of you guys' heads. I am NOT opining that one type of woman is better than another. (My wife is mixed race). I'm saying the southern belle type is something new and exciting to a lot of these guys. I'm talking college girls now. Don't come at me with some Miami middle-aged, blond from a bottle, over plastic surgified, overly worked out, leather skinned, gold-digger. Lol.

Btw, I changed the pic of the black girls for you overly sensitive types. I thought they were hot black chicks in bikinis, but I guess the beer and cigarettes meant something to the professionally outraged around here.
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What happens if bags are really made up by SEC fans so players go to those schools expecting to get bags. I mean if Trey Sanders were to read this board he would expect over $200k to sign with UGA since that is what the board says Sony received.

We should start rumors about ACC bags. I heard malik got paid 1,000,000 cash to come play for Miami except you don't get it until after you LOI is signed.