Why hate Blake James

The BOT and administration no longer consider winning at an elite level at UM a priority thus we have had the run of ADs and coaches that we have. Until they make winning championships in football a priority, our football program will remain the team with the best base for success in college football from a talent stand point while yet losing to far less talented teams. #FIRETHEBOT

Yup. Moreover, folks need to make a distinction between the words and actions of the BOdT, AD and university President(s) in this regard. Its easy for them to say their goal is to compete for national championships but their actions are what matters. I'll use my own life as an example:

My stated goal is to have a 3-some with Shakira and J-Lo. The fact that I'm going out for dinner and drinks with an over-weight hair dresser from Fresno tomorrow night should not concern my fans one bit. I continue to strive towards my ultimate goal.

You can't have it both ways homie.

It is either Clinton politics or UM Admin *********ing on a goal.

Its not for me to put this info into the public domain, but I'll suggest you do some digging around about an independent, 3rd party review of UM's business model under shalala. The report paints a true picture of how she ran the university over the past decade and a half.
All dk72 was directed to do was 1. Observe. and 2. Report. but, not being clever enough to just stay in her lane, she constantly tried to distract posters with flimsy estrogen-rich reasons why incompetence and losing are fine. She only succeeded in blowing her cover in the process.

Worst undercover snitch to ever lace em up lol.
The BOT and administration no longer consider winning at an elite level at UM a priority thus we have had the run of ADs and coaches that we have. Until they make winning championships in football a priority, our football program will remain the team with the best base for success in college football from a talent stand point while yet losing to far less talented teams. #FIRETHEBOT

Yup. Moreover, folks need to make a distinction between the words and actions of the BOdT, AD and university President(s) in this regard. Its easy for them to say their goal is to compete for national championships but their actions are what matters. I'll use my own life as an example:

My stated goal is to have a 3-some with Shakira and J-Lo. The fact that I'm going out for dinner and drinks with an over-weight hair dresser from Fresno tomorrow night should not concern my fans one bit. I continue to strive towards my ultimate goal.

You can't have it both ways homie.

It is either Clinton politics or UM Admin *********ing on a goal.

Its not for me to put this info into the public domain, but I'll suggest you do some digging around about an independent, 3rd party review of UM's business model under shalala. The report paints a true picture of how she ran the university over the past decade and a half.

One rumoured truth does not lead to another truth just because of similar development. Hiring is a development, and one hiring one's guy or gal DOES NOT MEAN you have to hire a figure head who's an incompetent ex-ticket seller who suddenly has to negotiate the stadium. Hiring your own guy could often mean that the guy is competent, able, and fully versed on performing and excelling on the job, since there's a goal to excel and preserve one's legacy.

It's elementary knowledge in multiple question scantron you MUST fill the most applicable and best choice ONLY. Elementary understanding, that is.

As you're in politics and its subterfuge, you're good. But here, again, you can't have it both ways.
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