Why are we not selling CJ Henderson on playing both ways??


Formerly the Tank
Apr 9, 2016
This kid is electric with the ball & would be ideal in the slot or back deep as a KR. We all know how our WR recruiting is going.

Just makes sense to try and use him in all facets of the game in a role similar to D Hest, espcially with his consistent sucess on offense and inexperience on defense.

Speed kills.
because he doesnt wanna play here so he can go **** off thats why

Regardless if this is true or not. The staff isnt going to stop recruiting him & it isnt over until he faxes his signature in. Hate on him all you want we need his speed.
Keep in mind his dad and Randy Shannon go way back an his dad has been pushing UF. So straight from the horses mouth, his dad is calling the shots, even though Henderson may have been on UM's campus a lot!

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Keep in mind his dad and Randy Shannon go way back an his dad has been pushing UF. So straight from the horses mouth, his dad is calling the shots, even though Henderson may have been on UM's campus a lot!


he brought up miami first and their staff first but lite up talking about UF.
they should just put UF commit under his name. if he chose us, it would be the greatest troll job in history. lol
Stop posting about Gaytor ***ghetz...

Him & the Wilson's can enjoy their group orgies up in Gaynesville... I don't want these ****** turncoat punks anywhere near this program & Miami doesn't need them.

We've known for months now his Daddy is in love with Shanny... So no need to keep bringing this kid up.
Stop posting about Gaytor ***ghetz...

Him & the Wilson's can enjoy their group orgies up in Gaynesville... I don't want these ****in turncoat punks anywhere near this program & Miami doesn't need them.

Was just curious because we are still actively recruiting him and seemed like a decent pitch. Didnt realise he wasnt a "gamer" until Pete chimed in.

It is what it is.