What's your poison for tomorrow?

Start off with a funky Buddha last snow for breakfast (coffee and coconut porter.) Miller lite for lunch and the afternoon (miller lite is for hydration purposes since it is mostly water and goes down as such.) Then it'll be time to let out the inner pirate with a flask of Sailor Jerry during the game (shall not have a any voice left come dawn matey.) Close the night with a neat small batch celebratory bourbon. Wake up and consume a case of zephyrhills.
russian caviar, duck tar tar, and Courvoisier L'Esprit Decanter

**** am I kidding, I'm from dade county!........smoked chicken, ribs, sausages, heineken, and crown royal black.
Got into the bourbon real heavy last year and really don't remember the 4th quarter. I'll probably just stick with the brew this year.
budweiser-004.webp & brbon_jac1.webp
Start off with a funky Buddha last snow for breakfast (coffee and coconut porter.) Miller lite for lunch and the afternoon (miller lite is for hydration purposes since it is mostly water and goes down as such.) Then it'll be time to let out the inner pirate with a flask of Sailor Jerry during the game (shall not have a any voice left come dawn matey.) Close the night with a neat small batch celebratory bourbon. Wake up and consume a case of zephyrhills.

downvoted for saying miller lite
Beer guy. Drink local. Team colors and 2 of my favorite local beers from here in the Tampa area. All adds up to a solid beer rotation.

IMG_0860%u00255B1%u00255D.webp Arcus.webp
Steak and lobster with a jug of shine I got last year in Alabama from a 5th generation local distiller.

Better read that label. I am fairly certain you can't eat lobster with shine. Need you some pork something to go with the steak.
While I prefer a real bourbon, for nole game I have always drank straight Jack Daniel's in honor of Andrew Jackson and the thrashings he gave to the original Seminoles. That dude has swagger and took no crap.
Henny and bud...... depending on how the game goes I might mix it with broken glass and take myself out 😂