What if Richt needs more time ...


Nov 5, 2011
What if Richt asks for more time to consider his options since he was just let go yesterday?

Do we wait for him?
He of all people knows time is of the essence and would want every minute he had to recruit. ...to recruit. ..
Didn't he say 5 schools have contacted him? Wonder if he will interview with all of them. This is looking like the search will not end this week but next week now unless Richt turned it down already
I'm sure Blake said he could have some time (if Blake indeed said the job was his), but gave him until ___ to give an answer.
He of all people knows time is of the essence and would want every minute he had to recruit. ...to recruit. ..

You know something we don't yet? Or are you hitting refresh like the rest of us? Haha
I'm refreshing every two and a half minutes like every one else..

Thoughts on Richt, if he were to be the guy?
Would be a great pick up... again he was my favorite coach while on the recruiting trail with Shaq...but if he is willing to OC. ..then Grab Butch as the HC and Richt as OC win win...
He of all people knows time is of the essence and would want every minute he had to recruit. ...to recruit. ..

You know something we don't yet? Or are you hitting refresh like the rest of us? Haha
I'm refreshing every two and a half minutes like every one else..

Thoughts on Richt, if he were to be the guy?
Would be a great pick up... again he was my favorite coach while on the recruiting trail with Shaq...but if he is willing to OC. ..then Grab Butch as the HC and Richt as OC win win...

I'm all for this idea. ALL FOR IT.
The time to take the cookie is when they pass the plate.

This. Either he wants the job or he doesnt. We dont need an answer tonight..but we need an answer within 24. No way in **** I wait for Mark Richt to decide our fate. This is the best job he will ever potentially get for the rest of his career BY FAR. If he wants to squander it, NEXT!...
We are not going to wait so he can interview at Maryland and Virginia before deciding if he wants to coach at his alma mater
They probably are letting him take his time cause they know they have Butch
We are not going to wait so he can interview at Maryland and Virginia before deciding if he wants to coach at his alma mater

I agree give him 24hrs to decide. If he goes else where for interviews he's looking for money. NEXT! That's why Butch is appealing he's hungry. He'll take less money to spend good $$ on assistants.
We are not going to wait so he can interview at Maryland and Virginia before deciding if he wants to coach at his alma mater

I agree give him 24hrs to decide. If he goes else where for interviews he's looking for money. NEXT! That's why Butch is appealing he's hungry. He'll take less money to spend good $$ on assistants.

That's why I like Butch better, he's hungrier then anyone else mentioned. I'm all about talking to him but if he interviews with another school then he can pound sand