We should've listened to TRUMP.... TRUMP/LEACH 2016


Nov 6, 2011
Say what you want but dude was right, and Donna didn't f**king listen.


"You made a big mistake when you did not take my advice and hire Mike Leach of Texas Tech ... and you can now get him for the right price," Trump wrote over a story on former coach Randy Shannon's firing.


The letter was immediately authenticated by the University.

Trump first made his desire for the 'Canes to hire Leach known back in 2006 after Larry Coker was fired. He apparently knows Shalala (naturally) and reached out to her to let her know she should hire Leach. She ignored his advice, and went on to say "You're Hired" to Shannon.

You just know Trump is one of those people who just loves to be proven right. He probably keeps a file of all the unsolicited advice he's given to people over the years, and when they don't take it and their decision fails, he jumps on his chance to do the "Na, na, na, told ya so" dance. Of course Trump is that kind of person. He probably has a dedicated staff keeping up with that kind of thing. I think that's what winners of The Apprentice actually do.

Leach however ended up getting fired last year at Texas Tech after allegations he kept a player who suffered a concussion sequestered in a dark garage instead of making sure he got proper medical care. Shalala, as the former Secretary of Health and Human Services, probably won't overlook something like that. Trump could have him on a season of Celebrity Apprentice if he was that concerned for the mans' employment.

In any event, we should have known Trump was a 'Canes fan. It's quite obvious his hair is an attempt to synthetically recreate Jimmy Johnson's signature '80s do.
"It's quite obvious his hair is an attempt to synthetically recreate Jimmy Johnson's signature '80s do."

That about says it all.
only way I would've cosigned on Leach is if Trump also agreed to help us build our own stadium.
We would have an identity for sure and I wouldn't worry about the defense with the all the athletes down in south florida.
well, we may not stop anyone on defense.. but im not really sure we'd even need too
LOLOLOL Mike Leech could go 0-200 the rest of his career and idiots would still want him. Never seen a weirder cult following, including the Tebow cult.
We would have a nice *** stadium and elite offense.

I've never been a fan of UM adopting the "Air Raid' offense. Sure it's fun to watch but its just too one dimensional for my liking. That and the fact that Leach's defenses always suck. I'll pass. We can do better.
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