We have a MF'ing savage at Head Coach! Epic troll job tonight by Manny!


Pete Carroll all the way. I said it last year... if Manny Diaz becomes a coach he will be reminiscing of good ol Pete. Against FSU, we were up by 1 with 1:20 at the **** 4 yard line and Mark Richt took a knee. Not Manny!

wrong. manny was the one that told richt to take a knee and run out the clock, because FSU could have theoretically gotten the ball back with plenty of time, scored a TD and then converted a 2 point conversion and tied the game. shocking that Richt hadn't figured this out.

taking a knee was (more) better
When @Dwinstitles and @caneinorlando approves, you know we fuggin.

@Cane Dynasty where you at???
It takes alot to convince me after the last 4 HCs...........MD for some reason feels like when Jimbo took over FSU. The change started quickly and unexpected because he was on staff and u expect an on staff hire to fail. The similarities so far are there in terms of program hype........secondly even though I know people are about wins. If we lose lets say 4 games and hold a top 5 class then he will lead us back, I will fully buy in when feb 2020 NSD happens and the guy is cleaning up and beating bama and uga for recruits we and they want. SO far it seems like a slam dunk right now because the signs are there
Ummm k, his defenses have shown to be pretty consistently savage. He has shown to be savage on and off the field. But you want him to be like a guy who used to coach the gayturds? And another one who had every single resource available to him and never won anything. Cool story bro
Lol. You're responding to a guy who took the name ToiletWater...so there's that.
Yes, compliment would also be a verb, but that was never in question. Complement can be used as a noun or a verb, which was the reason for the specification. The fact that your reading comprehension is so low undercuts your claim of being ironic, since we don't know if you can even grasp the concept. But hey, good try, Seinfeld. Keep up the good work. You're hilarious.
Most everyone on this post understood that Taggfart meant to use complementing rather than complimenting. Most here however don't believe that anything he does "brings to perfection" the cluster-f*ck known as FSU football and hence enjoy poking fun at him. Hopefully you will stumble upon a sense of humor at some point.
This guy called it
