We got hammered compared to what Notre Dame got in 1999....


Jul 16, 2012
for basically the same activity. Someone remind that fat f**k Mike Golic or the ugliest/dumbest man alive, Lou Holtz....

FOOTBALL; N.C.A.A. Puts Notre Dame Football on Probation
Published: December 18, 1999

Notre Dame, which for generations has symbolized the glamour and glory of college football, was placed on probation yesterday for the first time. However, the penalties the South Bend, Ind., university received were minor.

The probationary term handed down by the National Collegiate Athletic Association resulted from an investigation of almost two years into two series of events. The main one involved the actions of a booster, Kimberly Dunbar, who lavished gifts on football players with money she later pleaded guilty to embezzling.

In the second series of events, a football player was accused of trying to sell tickets he received free to a game and of using tickets he received free for three games as repayment of a loan. The player was also said to have been romantically involved with a woman (not Dunbar), a part-time tutor at the university, who wrote a term paper for another player for a small fee and provided players with meals, lodging and gifts. The player was dismissed from the team.

Although the N.C.A.A. regarded the infractions as major and ''neither isolated nor inadvertent,'' the penalties handed down by the six members of its Division I committee on infractions were little more than a slap on the wrist. Notre Dame was placed on probation for two years and will lose one of its 85 football scholarships each year. The governing body did not impose restrictions on television appearances or bowl games. Notre Dame earns an estimated $8 million to $9 million a year from a television package with NBC, and in most years it earns a seven-figure payout from a bowl game.

Jack H. Friedenthal, a law professor at George Washington University and the chairman of the infractions committee, said: ''The penalty has to fit the crime, and although you find that a violation is major, there are different levels, obviously. These are not unusual penalties for this level of major infraction.''

The last two years have been bad for Notre Dame football, once the academic and ethical standard by which other programs and teams were measured. The university's football fortunes have declined under Bob Davie, who has just completed his third year as the head coach. This year's team finished with a 5-7 record, failing to meet the record requirement for a bowl berth.

Last summer the university lost a lawsuit to Joe Moore, a former assistant football coach who said he was dismissed because, in his mid-60's, he was considered too old to coach. Some of the testimony then was embarrassing to the program.

According to the N.C.A.A. committee report, Dunbar, the woman at the center of the more serious violations, had become romantically involved with several Notre Dame football players from June 1995 to January 1998 and had a child with one, Jarvis Edison.

The N.C.A.A. said she provided such extra benefits to them as airfare, hotel accommodations, meals and tickets to events in New York, Chicago and Las Vegas. She also provided such gifts, the report said, as a ring, a charm and a video recorder to the athletes and, in one case, to an athlete's relative.

Last year, Dunbar, a bookkeeper, who is now 30, pleaded guilty to embezzling more than $1.2 million from a former employer.

She spent some of the money on as many as a dozen Notre Dame players. She was sentenced to four years in prison, but was released two months ago after she had served a little more than a year.

In hearings before the N.C.A.A. committee, the university said it did not regard all the gifts as infractions because of her romantic involvement with the players.
Like saying a mouse is an elephant compared to a fly. OK, but a mouse is still pretty small (unless you're a fly).
Gotta love a Catholic University attempting to dismiss wrongdoing/infractions by stating it's ok because the woman had a "romantic" relationship, actually, romantic relationships with several players, and a child out of wedlock (which, according to my old Catechism, is somewhat frowned upon by The Church). So, if George Carlin could commit "7 sins in one feel, man", what were those cats doing. Of course, Kim could've conceived "without relations" as we say, but then we'd all have to pray to her statue. At any rate, what's the Shakespeare quote about "what a tangled web we weave... ". but, it is ND, they skate.....