We can do better than Fedora and Applewhite

You just pulled a DC from Louisiana Tech ? Hoping to catch lightning in a bottle, if its not Fedora or Applewhite you're going to end up
with a similiar type of OC and still hoping
Sadly, we might not be able to do even that. No announcement yet. I’m still thinking, if you have heard of the person, he will not be the one. Both hires so far are from 13th grade high schools.

#FairweatherFan. The fact is, is that not a down of football has been played yet so we don't know if they were good/bad hires. U should do some research so u can at least give an educated opinion. Here I'll help u out
You just pulled a DC from Louisiana Tech ? Hoping to catch lightning in a bottle, if its not Fedora or Applewhite you're going to end up
with a similiar type of OC and still hoping

So what program does this ****** support?
#FairweatherFan. The fact is, is that not a down of football has been played yet so we don't know if they were good/bad hires. U should do some research so u can at least give an educated opinion. Here I'll help u out

I was thinking about the weather back in 71 as I sat in OB until the very last second of the frigging gator flop game. I was fortunate enough to render smallest of help getting Howard interested and later be involved in his failed effort to get on campus stadium. Realizing that those things and the years in between where probably nothin compare to you vast expertise, I poured some water into my dry koolaid jug, drank it down and clicked on the link you graciously supplier.

I was shocked to find that the new DC was a GA with Manny at the one other major school job he had. Sadly that end badly. Imagine then my surprise when I saw he moved on to take Manny’s place at Louisiana. At first I thought old RevLee is right. Then, I realize it was not LSU but some twobit place like the temple of the south.

My friend, I’ve been a Hurricane fan for years before I was an alum and we have seen this show for the last 19 years. Make the easy hire for HC and forget about program until fires are raging. Manny is no more qualified than Randy was. Heck, less. Randy actually played and coached championship defense at Miami before he was made HC. Manny might end up being the next Nick Saban but at the moment he is completely under qualified as Miami HC and his two two hires reflect it. That said, he is doing no worse that Ritch, another lazy but classy hire, in staffing except for Kul.
Sean Payton
Kyle Shanahan

Should definitely have been our top 3

Meh, McVay’s offense has been exposed the last few games. Payton hasn’t done anything without Brees and don’t even get me started on Shamahan and that disaster this season. We shouldn’t be settling for mediocrity
UM may have to dig into their coffin...er coffers a little more, but I've heard that this guy is available and has always wanted to call offense at UM.
