VT vs UNC thread

Worried more about va tech than north carolina just because its a short week and at their place... but both are winnable
VT on a short week has been the game I've had my eye on for a loss. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Their qb is awful though .
Wow what a let down game for unc after beating fsu lmao

They look really hung over from last week. Need Houston and Tennessee to go down today also. Watching Corch BJ (********) of the Vols. blow a gasket on the sidelines is very entertaining. Sumlin needs to deliver the kill-shot today.
I don't think we can take too much from this game. UNC got f***** by the weather no question about that and it's making them look a lot worse than they are. And UNC's turnovers are making VT look a lot better than they are. Neither game will be easy