Va Tech loses another one

Makes you wonder why the V Tech DC never got a Head Coaching offers.

It’s real simple

I’m just glad we don’t have to listen to that ******* turkey make noises on third down this year.

We know this from actual experience

Exactly, we did this with Larry Coker. Say what you want, but if Manny Diaz can even get us back to Larry Coker level of success (In 6 years - 1 NC, 2 NC Appearance. 3 conference titles, 5 NY6 Bowls, 8-2 Against FSU/UF and a 60-15 record) anyone in their right mind would take this.
Makes you wonder why the V Tech DC never got a Head Coaching offers.
Bud Foster apparently has a real bad drinking problem & hates recruiting.

He doesn't even like interviewing for HC jobs, because he has no interest of ever having the responsibility of being the head guy in charge. Just wants to coach Va Tech Defense collect his checks & retire.

Dude has been at Va Tech literally 33 years straight, there's nothing that would ever get him to leave lol.
Wow what a dumpster fire dump Vag Tech has become. Wouldn’t surprise me if that porous defense gave us an easy 50 spot in this year’s affair. Fuentes has the unenviable position of most likely having to take down Foster after this season, or in-season possibly. Guy probably is a belligerent drunk by now after years of the bottle frying his brain cells, plus his liver. For Fuentes sake he will need to move on from old Bud or risk losing his own position at the helm of the castrated turkeys.
This is a team in free fall. These guys were relevant for well over a decade on the strength of a once-in-a-lifetime coaching talent who was perfect for them. Not easy to replace a legend.

Oh, and everyone has Foster's D figured out. No one fears that defense anymore, especially with the subpar talent they've been getting.
I always wondered why Foster never took another job and why Virginia Tech could never recruit with the top teams even though they were consistently near the top of the rankings.

He needs to really update his defense to counter today's spread teams. It's hard to sell out all that cover 1 and cover 0 against teams that are running three and four WR at you all game. The innovations in the modern short passing game have nullified what used to be a formidable defense.